- Having, producing, or being a value obtained from a statistical test that lies within the limits for being of random occurrence. 非显著的指含有、产生或是处于偶然变差限度之内的数据测试而获得的数值的
- When modeling a statistical test or procedure, you need to figure out which instance variables to declare. 当对统计测试或过程进行建模时,您需要指出声明哪些实例变量。
- This is enough to perform non-parametric statistical tests. 这就足以进行非参数统计检验。
- In other words, a good way to complement your learning of a statistical test or procedure is to implement that procedure as an algorithm. 换句话说,补充您的统计测试或过程学习的一个好办法就是将这个过程作为算法实现。
- The estimating o f statistical parameter, statistical test and classfication method about variety stability were introduced respectively. 介绍了 品种稳定性评价的统计数估算、 统计检验及品种稳定性分类的具体方法。
- Statistical Testing in Ultra-Weak Bioluminescence Image[J]. 引用该论文 陈天明;俞信;王苏生.
- But his statistical test is unlikely to be the last word on the matter, given the difficulties of disentangling variables that move together. 但当遇到无法理清同时变化的诸多变量这类困难时,他的统计实验不可能给这个问题盖棺论定。
- Through confirmatory factor analysis, we use LISREL for a statistical test, presenting the evidence of reliability and validity of the proposed model. 本研究以LISREL进行统计上的验证,得到良好的信度与效度。
- Firstly we give a comment on the classical theory, and then we make a statistical test and then discuss the applicability of the utilization of the EMH in China"s stock market. 首先对经典有效市场理论进行综述,然后对我国股市进行统计检验,最终论述我国股市在应用有效市场理论时的适用性。
- Statistical tests included appropriate non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U-test. 数字检验方法应用到了Kruskal-Wallis法(成组秩和检验)和Mann-WhitneyU检验(两样本秩和检验)。
- This paper discribes some models of reliability and statistical test based on the stochastic process and the theory of statistical hypothesis, as well as the failure data of repairable systems. 根据随机过程与统计假设理论,在分析可修复系统故障数据特点的基础上,阐述了可修复系统故障数据的可靠性分析模型。
- "Statistical" approaches include the statistical test of earthquake prediction schemes, "statistical seismology", and application of statistical physics to earthquake forecast/prediction. “统计预测”包括地震预测预报方法的统计检验、“统计地震学”,以及统计物理在地震预测预报中的应用;
- Main Outcome Measures Statistical test for trend of the effect of hormone therapy on coronary heart disease (CHD)and stroke across categories of age and years since menopause in the combined trials. 主要结果的衡量:研究在这些组合试验中,根据年龄和进入更年期年数的不同,雌激素治疗在冠心病(CHD)和卒中方面的统计学趋势检测。
- It is evident, of course, that statistical tests may be thoroughgoing or partial. 所以很明显,统计分析的内容可以是很宏观的,也可以是很微观的。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Based on Communication Entropy theory , we draw the exact conclusion as sequentially censored statistical testing scheme in this paper. 从信息熵的角度出发,推导出与序贯截尾统计试验方案一致的结果。
- The feasibility of the method and the stability of this quantificational plasticprotruding device were validated through statistical tests. 为这种定量吐塑机构的运用确定了理论基础。
- VDI/DGQ3441 Statistical Testing of the Operational and Positional Accuracy of Machine Tools[S]. Translation of the German ISSURE,3/1997. 1997机床检验通则.;数控轴线的定位精度和重复定位精度的确定[S]
- Which browser is the fastest? An unbiased test. 哪一种浏览器速度最快?这是公平的测试...
- An e-mail apparently from Dr Mann refers to an aspect of some statistical testing he did not want discussed widely as “dirty laundry”. 一封明显来自马恩博士的邮件提到,他认为在某些数据测试的方面属于“肮脏的洗衣房”而不想广泛的讨论。