- She looked away from the tragic scene. 她掉过头去,不忍看那一幕惨象。
- The famous politician died in a tragic accident. 那位著名的政治家死于一场悲惨的意外事故。
- Events reached a tragic climax the following day. 翌日,事态发展到高潮,酿成了悲剧。
- Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one. 命运命运,尤指厄运或劫数
- She related the event in a tragic voice. 她用悲痛的声调讲述这一事件。
- He distinguished himself as a tragic actor. 他是一个有名的悲剧演员。
- She listened to the tragic news ashen-faced. 她听到这一悲惨消息,脸都白了。
- The firm is going to pot under the new management. 公司在新人管理下就要垮台了。
- The management wants screwing up. 管理部门需要提高工作效率。
- I am studying personnel management. 我正攻读人事学。
- She can not bring herself to tell him the tragic news. 她没有勇气把那悲惨消息告诉他。
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。
- There is an inert management team in our company. 我们公司的管理阶层死气沉沉。
- Talks between management and unions have collapsed. 资方和工会的谈判失败了。
- She's going along with management on this issue. 她在这个问题上同意资方的意见。
- Marketing: Marketing theory, sales management. 市场学:市场学理论、营销管理。
- I am shocked by the news of the tragic death of his twin brothers. 听到他的孪生兄弟死于非命,我大为震惊。
- The management will provide food and drink. 管理部门将供应饮食。
- He went to pieces when they told him the tragic news. 人们告诉他那悲惨的消息後,他已六神无主了。
- I was shocked by the news of the tragic death of his twin brother. 听到他的孪生兄弟死於非命,我大为震惊。