- As a new branch of modern gymnastics, national body mechanics has its unique advantages and characteristics in carrying forward traditional national sports culture. 民族健身操作为现代体操学科中的一个新的分支,在对民族传统体育文化的传承和发扬上独具优势和特色。
- traditional national sport major 民族传统体育专业
- traditional national sports course 民族传统体育专业
- anomie of traditional national sports 民族传统体育失范
- Extending theoretical space of the traditional national sport 拓展民族传统体育赖以生存的理论空间
- traditional nationality sports 民族传统体育
- traditional nation sports 民族传统体育
- A Relative Study on the Introduction of Traditional National Sport into General Pysical Education in Universities 将民族传统体育项目引进师范院校普体课的相关研究
- Changes of traditional national sports culture at modern times and reconstruction of minority undergraduates'values 民族传统体育文化的现代变迁与少数民族大学生价值意识重构的互动研究
- A Research on the Influences Traditional National Sports Exerted on Students'Physical and Mental Health 民族传统体育对促进学生身心健康的影响剖析
- On the Curricular Arrangement of the Traditional National Sports Major In the Shenyang Physical Education Institute 对沈阳体育学院民族传统体育专业课程设置的思考
- The Modernization Expectation of Traditional National Sports on the Development History of Colleges and Universities'Dragon and Lion Dance Sports 民族传统体育现代化展望:对高校龙狮运动发展历程的探析
- 2) causes for anomie in the process of development of traditional national sport in China mainly include three aspects: negative influence of social development; 2)我国民族传统体育发展过程中失范的成因主要包括3个方面:社会发展的消极影响;
- Did SIMA Qian Break through the Traditional National Thoughts? 司马迁有没有突破传统民族思想?
- Soccer is the national sports obsession of the Chinese. 足球是一个迷住了中国人的全国性体育运动。
- National sports commentators resorted to frenzied hyperbole. 体育解说员们甚至开始疯狂的夸张。
- traditional national sport 民族传统体育
- Table tennis is our national sport which gets most of the attention of the nation. 乒乓球是我们的国球,在全国备受瞩目。
- Colorful silk balls are traditional national traditional of the Zhuang nationality. 摘要绣球是壮族传统的民族手工艺品。
- traditional national sports 民族传统体育