- He is too sensitive to criticism. 他对批评太敏感。
- He was too sensitive to criticism. 他对批评过于敏感。
- A writer mustn't be too sensitive to criticism. 作家不可对批评意见反应过激.
- He is too sensitive about his family background. 是他太敏感自己的出身了。
- We are too sensitive and are bound to be defeated. 我们太娇嫩,注定要失败。
- He is too sensitive to the criticism. 他对批评过于敏感。
- Some thermostats are too sensitive and easily vibrated. 有些定温器太灵敏,也容易振动。
- The Crab is far too sensitive and slow for your speedy and hot tempered nature. 白羊-巨蟹:天生敏感的蟹子根本受不了迅速热情的白羊。
- There was a delicate pallor in his thin face, and his mouth was too sensitive for a boy's. 在他那消瘦的脸上总是露出一层文弱的苍白,而他的嘴巴对一个孩子来说却显得过于敏感。
- No Zimbabwean government can reverse that action, disgraceful though it was; the land issue is far too sensitive. 虽然驱逐白人农民是很不光彩的,但任何津巴布韦政府都不能扭转这一局势了;关于土地的问题实在是太敏感。
- You are far too sensitive for the Water-bearer's aloofness. Aquarians cannot tolerate your need to cling to them. 巨蟹-水瓶:你很难理解水瓶座人的超然态度;水瓶座人也不能忍受你强加在他/她身上的压力。
- CANCER &AQUARIUS: You are far too sensitive for the Water-bearer's aloofness. Aquarians cannot tolerate your need to cling to them. 巨蟹-水瓶:你很难理解水瓶座人的超然态度;水瓶座人也不能忍受你强加在他/她身上的压力。
- Every day spent in the confused, I was waiting for a time people. Now the situation is particularly serious, always suspected he was not too sensitive, too radical ..... 每一天都在糊涂中度过;我是一个等待光阴的人.现在这种情况尤其严重;总是在怀疑自己是不是太过于敏感;太过于激进.....
- China's official state media offered limited coverage of the issue, with some reporters saying the topics of censorship and cyber espionage were too sensitive. 中国官方媒体对此事的报道有限,一些记者说,审查和网络监控这类话题太敏感了。
- You're far too sensitive. 你也太敏感了。
- You're too sensitive, Ethan. 你太多愁善感了,伊坦。
- The incubation period some people will still some symptoms, but no specific symptoms such as anxiety, Nacha, insomnia and more dreams, Jingshenbuzhen, too sensitive, such as menstrual disorders. 潜伏期有些人还是会有些症状的,但这些症状没有特异性,比如焦虑、纳差、失眠多梦、精神不振、过于敏感、月经紊乱等。
- I will go, provided that you go too. 你也去的话我就去。
- Reality and fantasy have been standing on the edge of the appreciation of the feelings deep in the heart, because I am too sensitive and sentimental heart has the protection of the shell itself. 曾经站在现实与梦幻的边缘,把这份欣赏的情感深藏于心中,因为我过份敏感而又感伤的心已有硬硬的外壳将自己保护。
- Many kinds of normal mode decomposition method have already been derived using pressure hydrophone array.But the performances of these methods are too sensitive to the signal to noise ratio. 多种简正波分离方法都是利用声压水听器阵产生的,但是这些方法的效果对信噪比太敏感。