- The very air seemed hostile, so thick with dust and ash that she could barely see. 连空气也好像是在作对,充满了尘土和灰烟,使她什么也看不见。
- Winds pick up fine particles from the ground, and then the air becomes thick with dust. 地面的细沙被风卷起,空气中便充满厚厚的灰尘。
- The desk was thick with dust. 书桌上满是灰尘。
- The floor is thick with dust. 地板上积满了灰尘。
- The air was thick with dust. 空气中充满了尘埃。
- Jack and Annie stepped onto the porch.The wooden boards creaked loudly.The door had fallen off it hinges.They peeked inside.The air was thick with dust, Spider webs hung from the ceiling. 杰克和安妮走上商店正门的台阶上,那木质的楼梯发出嘎嘎的响着,门的铰链也掉下来,他们透过门缝向里望去,混浊的空气里掺杂着尘土,蜘蛛网布满了天花板。
- His clothes were covered with dust. 他衣服上全是灰尘。
- She has been thick with that family for years. 多年来她与那家关系密切。
- The books on the upper shelves were thick with the dust of ages. 书架顶层的书积了厚厚的老尘。
- The blades of the electric fan are covered with dust. 电扇的叶片上全是灰尘。
- His hands were begrimed with dust. 他的手沾满了灰尘。
- The blade of the electric fan is covered with dust. 电扇的叶片上全是灰尘。
- These trees are very thick with leaves. 这些树叶非常茂密。
- The floor was sheeted with dust. 地板上积着一层灰尘。
- The doctor has been thick with my family for years. 多年来那医生和我家人的关系一直很密切。
- All the vases are coated with dust. 所有的花瓶都蒙上一层灰尘。
- We walked through a field thick with daisies. 我们走过一片雏菊盛开的原野。
- His shoes were covered with dust. 他的鞋子盖满灰尘。
- Her eyelids are too thick with eye shadow. 她的眼影太浓。
- The wagon and mules were covered with dust. 车上和骡子身上都是尘土。