- thermal history modeling 热史模拟
- Thermal history modelling 热史模拟
- Apatite fission track can be used as the index of thermal history inversion. 磷灰石裂变径迹可以作为反演热史的指标。
- In terms of thermal history of source rock, tectonic history, and diagenetic history of reservoir rock, this paper analysed and verified the formation and its model of Karatar formation reservoir of Eocene(Paleogene) and Miocene(Neogene) reservoir. 从烃源岩的热演化史,构造的形成演化史,储集岩的成岩作用史分析论证了柯克亚背斜下第三系始新统卡拉塔尔组及上第三系中新统油气藏的形成及成藏模式。 卡拉塔尔组凝析气藏的形成具下断上褶垂向运移和不整合面倒向运移双重运聚模式。
- The thermal history of the Well TZ10 was simulated using vitrinite reflectance data and the new model.The thermal wave model was tested and verified by the apatite fission track data in the well. 利用该模型并结合镜质体反射率古温标模拟计算了塔中10井的热历史,同时用磷灰石裂变径迹数据对模拟结果进行了检验。
- Catalyst sintering in fixed-bed reactors: deactivation rate and thermal history. 在固定床式反应器中的催化剂烧结:失活的速度和热变化过程
- For long time,it has been hot spot to find the stable and convergent methods for solving the hydrocarbon migratin-accumulation history model due to its complexity. 由于其数学模型的复杂性,长期以来,寻找稳定、收敛的算法来求解运移聚集史模型一直是运移聚集史模拟的热点。
- The geothermometer is one of the most important methods for reconstructing the thermal history of sedimentary basins. 古温标是恢复沉积盆地热演化历史的重要指标之一。
- In addition, the limitations of paleotemperature scale for reconstructing the thermal history are specially emphasized. 此外,特别强调了古温标热史恢复的局限性。
- This is in accordance with the structural characteristics of lower Cretaceous and the thermal history of Jiuquan basin group. 这与酒西盆地及其周围地区 (酒泉盆地群 )下白垩统构造特征和盆地群热演化特征一致。
- Tang Dazhen,Yang Qi,Pan Zhigui.1992.Geohistory-thermal history modeling and coal metamorphic evolution in the Hedong coalfield.Geosciences,6 (3):329 (in Chinese with English abstract). 汤达祯;杨起;潘治贵.;1992
- Aim To reconstruct the paleotemperature and thermal history of north Jiangsu Basin,obtain the time of petroleum generating. 目的恢复苏北盆地古地温场,进行热演化史研究,确定主要的生烃时期。
- The aim of this paper is to study the thermal history of Paleogene in Baimiao area, Dongpu depression by using apatite fission-track parameters. 本文用磷灰石裂变径迹分析恢复东濮凹陷白庙地区下第三系热演化史。
- The thermoluminescence patterns of quartz revealed clearly the thermal history during the formation of the uranium veins. 石英热释光的发光曲线特征揭示了铀矿脉形成的热历史。
- Cao S,Lerche I.Geohistory,thermal history and hydrocarbon generation history of Navar in basin Cost No.1 Well,Bering Sea,Alaska[J].Journal of Petroleum Geology,1989,12(3):325-352. 袁彩萍徐思煌.;西藏伦坡拉盆地地温场特征及烃源岩热演化史[J]
- Zheng Dewen, Zhang Peizhen, Wan Jinglin et.al. Apatite fission track evidence for thermal history of Liupanshan basin. Chinese Journal of Geoghysics, 2005, (1). 郑德文,张培震,万景林等。六盘山盆地热历史的裂变径迹证据。地球物理学报,2005年1期.
- Several experiments on crude oil were did under different thermal history,and the mechanism of thermal treatment on the affection of rheology of waxy crude was analyzed. 本文对经历不同热处理作用后的原油进行了对比实验,分析了热历史作用对含蜡原油流变性能影响的作用机理。
- subsidence and burial history modeling 沉降-埋藏史模拟
- Exploit magnetism of rocks, sediments, archaeological materials, etc. to provide quantitative information on formation location, su fequent motion and thermal history. 利用岩石、沉积物及其它考古材料的磁性提供有关形成地点及形成之后的运动与热量的数据性资料。