- The writer described the creative process. 这位作家叙述了创作的过程.
- Q: Describe the creative process. 问题:请描述创造的过程。
- Sometimes the creative process can be much looser. 有时创造的过程可以比较自由。
- And that, my friend is the creative process. 而这,我的朋友,就是创造的过程。
- According to the Representative, the public domain was a crucial part of the creative process as well as a public good. 该代表说,公共领域是创造性过程以及公共利益的一个关键部分。
- That is a central part of the “creative process theory,” a form of which is to be found in the work of Collingwood. 这却是“创造性过程理论”的核心部分,在科林伍德的著作中就能找到这种说法。
- The creative process in films is visual from the start although stages of increasing concreteness can be distinguished. 电影的创意过程必须从一开始就是视觉化的,尽管舞台表演也有越来越多的具象。
- The creative process couldn't be summoned at will or even cajoled by sacrificial offering. 创造性过程很少随着人们的个人意志为转移,甚至也不会垂青于人们的祭品。
- Featurette: "Straczynski Diaries" - A first person, inside look at the creative process making the BABYLON 5 film. 附加资料可能由生产商、供应商或第三者提供,并可能只有原文内容。
- A study on the impact of norm-setting on the creative process concerned a narrow range of issues and there was also the question of funding. 一项关于准则制订对创造过程影响的研究考虑了小范围的问题而且也存在着资金问题。
- But she said it made as much sense as anything ever posited to explain the "utter, maddening, capriciousness of the creative process. 但她认为,对于创意过程的偶然性和疯狂性,这种看似神秘主义的说法跟现存的其他解释一样具有价值。
- In the creative process: Use the presence of contrary elements as an impetus for unleashing your imagination to exploit the inherent possibilities. 在创造性的过程中:使用相反元素出现作为推动为解开您的想像力利用固有可能性。
- Here, Andreasen talks about the muse, the link between genius and madness and the part of the brain that kicks in during the creative process. 安卓森在本文谈到灵感来源、天赋与疯狂之间的关连,以及创造过程中大脑哪个部份在运作。
- Since we're part of the creative process, there's always a strong sense of consistency and continuity between the actual game and the cinematics. 在有创意的时候每个团队是中什么角色呢,那他们又是怎么把自己的主意转到最后确定下来的电影中的呢?
- DB: Yeah, as we work on these things we're trying to tell this huge story that sort of worked itself out of the creative process. 恩,在这部分中,我们将要讲述这个宏大的故事,这本身就是一个创造性的过程。
- But how do you accommodate the complex and chaotic nature of the creative process while increasing efficiency, improving quality and raising productivity? 可是,怎样才能在提高效率、改进质量、提升劳动生产率的同时,进行企业创新这一纷繁复杂的工作呢?
- Artists all over the world say the speed, flexibility, value and control they gain with LightWave throughout the creative process lets them get it done. 它的操作简便,易学易用,在生物建模和角色动画方面功能异常强大;基于光线跟踪、光能传递等技术的渲染模块,令它的渲染品质几尽完美。
- The creative process couldn't be summoned at will or even cajoled by sacrificial offering.Indeed, it seems to occur most readily when the mind is relaxed and imagination roaming freely. 此项测试的目的是看母猩猩会不会想到将柳条箱垒到房间的中间,然后爬到箱子顶部去拿香蕉。
- The creative process includes the interaction of the artist with the public (users of the space), which may include the consideration of the client's image and/or corporate identify. 创造过程包括艺术家与公众(空间使用者)的相互作用,其中可能包括对客户形象或法人组织能否认同的考虑。
- The creative process is manifested in six series: “Black Confession,” “Golden Rock and Roll,” “Colorful Magic,” “Body Ritual,” “Theatrical Atmosphere,” and “Role Playing Show. 创作历程分为(一)黑色告白(二)金色摇滚(三)多彩魔力(四)身体仪式(五)剧场氛围(六)扮装走秀等系列作品。