- the alpine meadow surface 高山草甸下垫面
- Summer came and flowers colored the Alpine meadows. 夏天来了,花朵将阿尔卑斯山的草原点缀得五彩缤纷。
- Zong H,Fan N C,Yu X F,Zhu J C.1991.The research on the population spatial patterns of the plateau zokor(Myospalax fontanierii)and the plateau pika(Ochotona curzoniae)in the alpine meadow ecosystem. 刘季科;梁杰荣;周兴民;李健华;1982.;高寒草甸生态系统定位站的啮齿动物群落与数量
- The Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Moisture After Raining in Representative Gully Catchment of the Alpine Meadow 高寒草甸典型小流域雨后土壤水分空间变异特征
- Effect of Shrub on the Alpine Meadow Soil Ecosystem in the Northwestern Plateau of Sichuan Province, China 灌丛对川西北高寒草甸土壤资源的影响
- The average soil surface albedo was about 0.23 in Haibei alpine meadow area of Qilian mountain druing whole plant growing period. 就整个植物生长期内来看,祁连山海北高寒草甸地区地表反射率平均约为0.;23。
- Cold season resource and its effects on herbage production in the alpine meadow region 高寒草甸地区冷季水分资源及对牧草产量的可能影响
- Effect of grazing perennial artificial grassland in warm-season on gain of Yak calves in the Alpine Meadow 青藏高原人工草地暖季不同放牧方式对牦牛增重的影响
- Preliminary Study of the Hydrological Processes in the Alpine Meadow and Permafrost Regions at the Headwaters of Heihe River 黑河源区高山草甸的冻土及水文过程初步研究
- A study on correlations between vegetation degradation and soil degradation in the 'Alpine Meadow' of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原高寒草甸的植被退化与土壤退化特征研究
- Distribution of organic matter,nitrogen and phosphorus along an altitude gradient and productivity change and their relationships with environmental factors in the Alpine meadow 高寒草甸不同海拔梯度土壤有机质氮磷的分布和生产力变化及其与环境因子的关系
- the alpine meadow 高寒草甸
- The Tibet Plateau belongs to the alpine cold meadow and steppe landscape, which is characterized by poor water and soil conservation and vulnerability to serious soil erosion. 西藏高原属高寒草甸和草原区,水土保持能力差,水土流失问题较为严重。
- A rotation grazing experiment in alpine meadow ecosystem was analysedsystematically. 采用高寒草甸放牧生态统的分室模型对高寒草甸生态系统轮牧实验进行系统分析。
- There are two main vegetation types, alpine meadow and alpine shrub, in the region of the research station. 高寒草甸和高寒灌丛是海北站地区的两种主要的植被类型。
- The main alpine meadow landscape, mountain rhododendron forest, the original fir forest, herbs and so precious. 主要景观有高山草甸、高山杜鹃林、原始冷杉林、珍贵草药等。
- At one extreme are pure, natural ecosystems like an alpine meadow or a mangrove swamp. 其中一个极端是纯净的自然生态系统,如高山草甸或是红树林沼泽。
- The Tibet Plateau belongs to the alpine cold meadow and steppe landscape,which is characterized by poor water and soil conservation and vulnerability to serious soil erosion. 西藏高原属高寒草甸和草原区,水土保持能力差,水土流失问题较为严重。
- Late winter is the main holiday season in the alpine resort. 冬末时节是阿尔卑胜地的旅游旺季。