- The Immigration to Yunnan Province in the Dynasties of Yuan, Ming and Qing 元明清时期云南的外地移民
- the Dynasties of Yuan 元明清
- In 1595 BCE the dynasty of Hammurapi was brought to an end. 公元前1595年,汉谟拉比的朝代终结了。
- From the period of Fu Xi to the Dynasties of Xia and Shang, Yi Trigrams developed for more than eight thousand years. 自伏羲时代经炎黄时代到夏商时代,数字易卦走过了它五千馀载的漫长历程。
- The home schooling in the dynasties of Song and Yuan 宋元时期的家庭教育
- In the dynasties of Qin and Han, due to the mysticism of the folk customs, often new born babies were not reported to the relevant authorities and were abandoned by their parents. 摘要秦汉时期基于神秘主义信仰的民间礼俗,导致“生子不举”和弃婴现象的频繁发生。
- They should be characterized as the lifestyles of the Inner Mongolian nationality, even the featured artworks of the ancient capital city of Yuan Dynasty of China. 突出内蒙古民族特色,甚至是元朝古都工艺品的特色产品。
- This thesis expounds on the feudal provincial governor system and related problems in the dynasties of the Eastern and Western Han, Wei, the Jins and the South. 本文采用按时间顺序的专题研究方式系统地探讨了两汉魏晋南朝刺史制度建立发展变化及相关的一些问题。
- In the extant Drama of Yuan Dynasty, the sources of material have their distinct tendency, which is closely related to the dynasty, society, culture and the mind of literary people. 从目前存在完整的剧目中可知,它的取材有着明显的倾向性,这与元代的社会、时代、文化及文人的心态密切相关。
- The inosculation of education among peoples and the communication among nations also began then.All these had exerted great influences on the education of the Dynasties of Sui and Tang. 以及昌盛发达的私学教育和自由博涉的学风、民族教育的融合与国际文化教育的交流等,对后世都产生了深远的影响。
- Even the emperor of Yuan Dynasty obeys you. 甚至元朝代的皇帝服从你。
- The days of Yuan {{Dynasty are numbered. 元的天{{朝代是有限的。
- Son: Well, have you heard of Yuan Shizu? 儿子:嗯,你有听过元世祖吗?
- the Dynasties of the Central Plain of China 中原王朝
- Yes, this is the dynasty of Orc, with military domination of feline, and world of one cat. 是的,这是兽族的朝代,这是猫科的军统,这是猫的天下。
- In the 11th century BC, ji was a nation hived from the Dynasty of West Zhou governing the north of China. 公元前十一世纪时,蓟国是统治中国北方的西周王朝的一个分封国。
- To Analyze the Changes of Mould of Traditional Opera "Chaste Women Zhao" During the Dynasties of Song and Yuan 宋元"赵贞女型"戏文模式之演变
- Already in the dynasty of Han of year 206 before up to 220 after Jesus Christ, China had towns of a half million inhabitants. 早在公元前206年到公元220年的汉朝,中国已经有了半百万人口的城市。
- Glimpse of imperial examination life in past dynasties of China II. 中国历代科举生活掠影2。
- Wei Yan is arrogant, intrepid and good at training his troop.But he feuded with Yang Yi who was the important minister of the dynasty of Shu-Han. 魏延为人孤高,善养兵卒,勇猛过人,但是和蜀汉重臣杨仪不和。