- temperate forest zones 温带林带
- Emperor moths live in temperate forests. 皇蛾生活于温带森林。
- Temperate forest ecosystems occupy a position of prominence among all ecosystems. 温带森林生态系统在所有生态系统中占有优势地位。
- China forest forest zone,forestry,tree planting,to plant tress will buy helis! 森林界,林业界,植树造林界将可能进口,或买进直升飞机!
- Mixed forest Type of temperate forest, consisting of trees of different species. 温带林的一种类型,包括各种不同种类的树木。
- The most common region types are: coastline, cold forest, temperate forest, hills, lakes, mountains, and plains. 通常这些地形种类为:海岸、冻林、森林、丘陵、湖泊、高山、平原。
- The number of forest patches in forest-meadow regions is greater than that in the forest zone and in meadow-steppe regions. 在森林-草原交错带森林草甸区森林斑块的数量最多,其次为森林带,再次为森林-草原交错带草甸草原区,草原带没有森林斑块。
- Any of numerous wormlike carnivorous animals of the phylum Onychophora, common in tropical and temperate forest regions and having characteristics of both arthropods and annelid worms. 有爪纲节肢动物的一个纲,常见于热带或温带森林中,既有环节动物又有节肢动物的某些特点
- At present, community forestry has been believed to be one of excellent models on economy development, income increas of farmers and construction of eco? engineering in forest zones of our country. 认为社区林业是目前我国林区发展、民增收和生态工程建设的一种较好的模式。
- Any of numerous wormlike carnivorous animals of the phylum Onychophora,common in tropical and temperate forest regions and having characteristics of both arthropods and annelid worms. 有爪纲节肢动物的一个纲,常见于热带或温带森林中,既有环节动物又有节肢动物的某些特点。
- A total of 445 species belonging to 24 families was collected, among which Noctuidae and Geometridae are dominant groups and 13 species are common to every forest zone. 随海拔的升高类蛾的多样性指数明显降低,其中红松阔叶林带蛾类的物种丰富度、个体数量和多样性指数都最高。
- Because forest zone of mountain of the Qin Dynasty establishs ground condition poorer, landform is complex, river valley is deep-felt, tortuosity, silvan microclimate is apparent. 由于秦岭林区立地条件较差,地形复杂,河谷深切,迂回曲折,森林小气候明显。
- Fires of natural origin have historically been extremely common throughout the temperate forests. 在温带森林中,天然发生的火灾一向是非常普遍的。
- This is a unispecific tribe of uncertain affinity, found in cool, temperate forests. 这一单种的属不确定密切关系的族,在凉爽,温带的森林发现。
- This is in sharp contrast to temperate forests where most plant nutrients are found in the soil. 与多数植物养分在土壤被找到的温带林形成鲜明的对比。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。
- The Red Panda is found in the temperate forests of the Himalayas and some high mountain areas of China and Myanmar. 有传言说这种生活在斯里兰卡的细长懒猴具有壮阳及治疗哮喘的作用,因此数百年来它们一直难逃被人们猎杀的厄运。
- Latvian forests are located in a mixed forest zone consisting of northern coniferous and southern deciduous trees. 拉脱维亚森林位于混杂有北方针叶林和南方落叶林的森林带。
- Forests are important habitats for birds and, in temperate forests, small mammals which inhabit the dense understorey. 森林对鸟类来说是重要的栖息地,而且在温带森林里,小型的哺乳动物居住在稠密的森林下层。
- Finally, taking the Fang Zheng Forest town of Heilongjiang province as the engineering practice, which is synchronically with the town planning, I study the green system of the forest zone. 最后,以黑龙江省方正林业局为工程实践,与方正林业局城镇总体规划同步,进行绿地系统规划研究。