- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但马上又吐了出来。
- Take one dose of this cough syrup three times a day. 每天服三次这种止咳糖浆,每次服一剂量。
- They take half the child’s wages, but people in Liangshan are hungry for any cash income. 虽然这些人拿走了孩子工资的一半,但是凉山的老百姓渴望有任何的收入。
- Take one of these pill three times a day. 这些药片每日三片,每次一片。
- He was robbed of his week 's wages by a pickpocket . 他一周的薪金被扒手夺去了。
- Take one dose of the medicine at bedtime. 就寝时服用该药一次。
- Ikey threw his week’s wages in a crumpled roll upon the bar. 艾奇把他那卷弄皱的一星斯的工资扔到吧台上。
- He would pass out if he took one more drink. 要是他再喝一杯酒的话,他就会醉倒了。
- Take one of these tablets last thing at night. 睡前吃一片这种药片。
- Take one dose, three times a day. 日服三次,每次服一剂。
- He took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 他抿了一口酒,又吐了出来。
- Can you help me to take one time this? 你能帮我拿一下这个吗?
- Chrysler may be trying to push the CAW's wage costs below that of the UAW's. 克莱斯勒可能试图促使CAW的工资开支低于UAW的。
- I take one lump of sugar in my tea. 我在茶里放一块方糖。
- Take one's courage in both hands. 勇往直前,敢作敢为。
- She's five feet tall, give or take one inch or two. 她身高有5英尺,即使不到相差也不过一两英寸。
- You should take one pill at a time. 一次服一颗。
- I took one look at the car and offered to buy it there and then. 我看了一眼那辆汽车当时就出价买了下来。
- Why don't you join us and take one together?. 你为何不跟我们一起照个相呢?
- In addition to greatly medium city and the part circumlittoral economic flourishing province, all the different degree exist the problem of the village teacher"s wages. 全国除大中城市和部分沿海经济发达省份以外,都不同程度地存在拖欠农村教师工资的问题。