- She was sympathetic to my ideas. 她对我的想法表示支持。
- He was very sympathetic to me when I was ill. 我生病时他很同情我。
- He is sympathetic to the project. 他赞成该项计划。
- He was sympathetic to [toward] their demands. 他同意他们的要求。
- I am always sympathetic to others. 我总是对他人给予同情。
- I am sympathetic to what he's going through. 对他正在遭受的,我深表同情。
- Public opinion seemed sympathetic to this proposal. 民意似乎是支持这项提议的。
- He was sympathetic to their demands. 他同意他们的要求。
- They were quite sympathetic to our proposals. 他们非常赞同我们的建议。
- I feel sympathetic to my friend who is suffering. 我对遭到不幸的朋友十 分同情.
- It is sympathetic to the pain of others. 而是能感受到别人痛苦的部位!
- Russian newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president. 俄罗斯报章大都支持总统。
- Several of the justices appeared sympathetic to claims. 对于这个主张,法官们表示赞同。
- He was very sympathetic to [toward] me when I was ill. 我生病时他很同情我。
- His mother was not sympathetic to his plan to leave school. 他母亲不赞成他离开学校的计划。
- He had been sympathetic to the idea of a test ban for some years. 多年来,他就赞成禁止核试验这种想法。
- She would, no doubt, be deeply sympathetic to what Kent was doing. 她无疑会非常赞同肯特正在做的事情。
- Opinion at the grassroots level is sympathetic to the strikers. 基层的意见是同情罢工者。
- Those supposed supporters swore that they would be sympathetic to our plan. 那些所谓的支持者发誓说他们会赞成这个计划。
- While basically sympathetic to Sadat, he brought no diplomatic pressure on us. 他基本上是同情萨达特的,但并没有对我们施加外交压力。