- Phenomenon is a joint creation of subjectivity and objectivity. 现象是外在的生与主体的思的共同造作。
- The style of artist is formed by subjectivity and objectivity. 艺术家的风格是主观和客观共同作用的结果。
- Point out the subject and object of this sentence. 指出这一句的主语和宾语。
- In Being, subject and object merge into one. 在”存在“中,”主观”和“客观”合二为一。
- The Subject and Object and Systemization for Library Management. 图书馆管理中的主体、客体及制度化。
- Chapter Three Subject and object of the public right of condominiums. 第三章,建筑物区分所有权的共有权的主体和客体。
- Frequently, these intricacies are undistinguishable between subject and object. 或者一路下去,不管不顾,占山为王,反客为主。
- Amor matris: subjective and objective genitive. 母亲之爱:主生格与宾生格。
- The second is the dialectical logic diversely and unitedly determined by the unity of subjectivity and objectivity. 第二阶段是:美的“主客观统一论”等多样统一性规定的辩证逻辑;
- The difference between psychology skill at interrogation and inquiry seductively is on subjectivity and objectivity. 心理学讯问技巧与引供的区别可从主客观两个方面进行辨析。
- The main part will discuss this issue from the relationships between human and material, subjectivity and objectivity, sex and emotion. 唐宋词在男女关系的咏写上所流露出的男权心理倾向,可以从人与物、与客、与情三个层面予以解读。
- In research of axiology, the relation between subjectivity and objectivity of values is a problem that must be solved in the first place. 价值的主体性和客观性之关系问题,是价值论研究首先必须解决的问题。
- We should summarize from both the subjective and objective aspect. 我们应该从主客观两方面进行总结。
- Title: The Subject and Object and Systemization for Library Management. 关键词:图书馆管理;主体与客体;制度化;以人为本;能动性
- He began to attach importance to serviceability of research, and paid equal attention to historical research's subjectivity and objectivity. 开始重视史学研究的现实功用,将史学研究的主观性和客观性并重。
- Starting from distinguishing subjectivity and objectivity of values, this paper discusses the unity of subjectivity and objectivity, monism and pluralism of values to the point. 从厘清价值的主体性和客观性出发,扼要地探讨了价值的主体性和客观性、样化与一元化的统一。
- The misdiagnosis causes were analyzed from subjectivity and objectivity in this article and the right clinical thoughts for diagnosing the elderly patients were discussed. 本文从主、客观方面分析误诊因素,探讨如何运用科学的临床思维诊断老年患者。
- In fact, the expectant purposes can't always come true, which results from the problems brought by kinds of factors of both subjectivity and objectivity. 然而知情同意原则实施起来并不简单。它常常会受到主客体两方面种种因素的制约,陷入意想不到的困境。
- Because of the detachment of subjectivity and objectivity, it is so hard for all these researches to grasp the relations between urban space and its socialites. 认为当前城市空间研究的理论视点存在主客体分离现象,这不利于对城市空间特征及其社会性关系的把握。
- The freedom of philosophy lies in the unity of subjectivity and objective inevitability. 哲学的自由,体现在主体意志和客观必然性的统一上。