- structural pivot position 构造活动枢纽部位
- Different paths are generated by the same crank-ro cker linkage through adjusting the fixed pivot position of the rocker. 提出了利用机架杆方向结构误差优化综合可调节型曲柄摇杆连续轨迹生成机构的方法。
- Foreign trade occupies a pivotal position in Mexico's economy. 对外贸易在墨西哥经济中占举足轻重的地位。
- In Dali County,farm machines run by the peasant households occupies a pivotal position. 在大荔县,农户经营的农业机械已占有举足轻重的地位。
- Shuowe jiezi is on the pivotal position in the history of dictionary-compiled, it produced a great influnce to dictionary-compiled in Chinese. 说文解字》在中国字典编纂史上具有举足轻重的地位,对后世产生了非凡的影响。
- In the analyzation of the last part, the theme is quite clear that the administration programmes occupy a pivotal position in administration according to the laws. 通过最后一部分的阐述,更加明朗化行政程序在依法行政中举足轻重的作用,达到首尾衔接,突出主题的目的。
- In a double-combination performance, the bamboo flute is an indispensable main instrument as well as the core of theme performing, so it occupies a pivotal position. 摘要在“二人台”乐队中,笛子是不可缺少的主奏乐器,是主旋律演奏的核心,在整个“二人台”中占有举足轻重的地位。
- Shakespeare.All legendary plays occupy a pivotal position in Shakespeare's playwright because each of them has its unique characters in the history of Shakespearian plays. 这些剧作以其鲜明的特色在莎翁剧史上独树一帜,构成了莎士比亚创作的另一奇葩。
- That is the pivot of the whole argument. 这是整个论据的关键。
- Their daughter was the pivot of their lives. 女儿是他们生活的中心。
- Today,Vazbo brand market in the chemical industry have a pivotal position and visibility, the Chinese market has become a rare, well-known household name Brand. 今天,威兹伯品牌在化工市场上拥有举足轻重的地位及知名度,已成为中国市场不可多得、家喻户晓的知名品牌。
- Gastrodin containing vitamin A, gastrodin glycosides, alcohols and a variety of orchid incense folder alkaloids, in the drug scene with a pivotal position. 天麻含有维生素A、天麻甙、香夹兰醇和多种生物碱,在药坛上具有举足轻重的地位。
- Chemical factor has been incriminated as one of the fundamental causes of environmental pollution,chemical factor occupies a pivotal position in solving environmental problems. 造成环境污染的重要原因之一是化学因素,解决环境污染问题,化学起举足轻重的作用。
- There is a structural alteration to the building. 这座建筑物在这有一处结构上的改变。
- Optimal Design for Pivot Position of Articulating Steering Mechanism on Loaders 装载机铰接转向机构铰点位置优化设计
- The wood is held in position by a clamp. 木头用钳夹固定住了。
- The leading edge of claim 1, further including a skeletal structure pivotally connected to the structure of the aircraft and supporting the blunting actuator. 前沿索赔1 ,进一步包括骨骼结构至关重要连接结构的飞机,并支持钝化器。
- The girl is quite suited for the position [work]. 这姑娘很适合担任这个职务[这个工作]。
- I was shocked at the structural damage. 我对建筑所遭的破坏感到震惊。
- The anti-icing edge of claim 15, further including a skeletal structure pivotally attached to the structure of the aircraft, the skeletal structure holding the blunting actuator. 抗冰边缘的索赔15 ,进一步包括骨骼结构至关重要重视结构的飞机,骨骼结构举行钝化器。