- Prove som e m apping oftheorem s of perturbations for ranges ofm axim al m onotone operatorT in a realreflexive and strictly convex Banach space X. 在实自反、严格凸Banach 空间X 中,论证了关于极大单调算子T 值域的扰动定理
- We proved that every closed maximal linear subspace in a Banach space is strongly orthogonally complemented if and only if the space X is reflexive and strictly convex. 证明了闭的极大线性子空间是强正交可补的充分必要条件是;空间X是自反严格凸的.
- Abstract: We proved that every closed maximal linear subspace in a Banach space is strongly orthogonally complemented if and only if the space X is reflexive and strictly convex. 文摘:证明了闭的极大线性子空间是强正交可补的充分必要条件是;空间X是自反严格凸的.
- Some Equivalent Propositions about Strict Convex in Banach Space 空间严格凸的几个等价命题
- In this paper,we establish the Mann iteration process with errors for nonexpansive mapping in uniformly convex Banach space,and generalize corresponding results of Reich to the Mann iteration process with errors. 本文首先在一致凸 Banach空间中对非扩张映射讨论了带误差的 Mann迭代过程的一些特性 .;然后将 Reich的相应定理推广到带误差的 Mann迭代过程
- 77. We proved that every closed maximal linear subspace in a Banach space is strongly orthogonally complemented if and only if the space X is reflexive and strictly convex. 证明了闭的极大线性子空间是强正交可补的充分必要条件是;空间X是自反严格凸的.
- An Implicit Iterative Process for a Finite Family of Nonexpansive Mappings in Uniformly Convex Banach Space 一致凸Banach空间上有限个非扩张映象的隐式迭代过程
- The Convergence Theorms for Asymptotically Non-expanstive Mapping in a Uniformly Convex Banach Space 一致凸Banach空间渐近非扩张映像的收敛定理
- Weak Convergence Theorems for Finite Nonexpansive Mappings in Uniformly Convex Banach Space 一致凸Banach空间有限个非扩张映射的弱收敛
- Asymptotically Quasi-nonexpansive Mapping with Error Members in a Uniformly Convex Banach Space 一致凸Banach空间上渐近准非扩张映象
- Note on Convergence Theorems of Iterative Sequences for Asymptoticallly Non-Expansive Mapping in a Uniformly Convex Banach Space 关于一致凸的Banach空间上的渐近非扩张映象的迭代序列的收敛性定理的注记
- uniforly convexity Banach spaces 一致凸Banach空间
- uniformly convex Banach space 一致凸Banach空间
- A Convergence Theorem of Fixed Point for Asymptotically Non-expansive Mappings in Uniformly Convex Banach Spaces 一致凸Banach空间中渐近非扩张映像不动点的收敛定理
- This paper generalizes the general equilibrium theorem to the case of indivisible markets where preferences is strictly convex, continuous and strongly monotonous. 摘要给出了不可分市场中一般均衡存在的一个充分条件:消费者偏好函数是强凸、连续和严格单调的。
- uniformly convex Banach spaces 一致凸Banach空间
- This paper generalizes the general equilibrium theorem to the case of indivisible markets where preferences is strictly convex,continuous and strongly monotone.The authors thus give a sufficient condition on the existence of discrete equilibrium. 在消费者偏好函数是强凸、连续和严格单调的条件下;给出了不可分市场的一般均衡存在定理;因而也给出了离散空间中一般均衡存在的一个充分条件.
- Iterative Approximation of Fixed Points for Asymptotically Nonexpansive Type Mappings with Error Member in Uniformly Convexity Banach Spaces 一致凸Banach空间中渐近非扩张型映象不动点的具误差的迭代逼近
- Klaus Deimling, Ordinary Equations in Banach Space, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 596, Springer-Verlag, 1977. 郭大钧;孙经先著;抽象空间中的微分方程;山东科学技术出版社.
- essentially strictly convex norms 本性严格凸范数