- Analyses the stress distributing of bulk solid around the silo outlet, points out the reason of arc forming and the method of breaking arc. 对存仓排料口附近物料颗粒的应力分布情况进行了研究,分析其成拱的原因,并提出防止成拱及破除料拱的方法。
- Analyses the stress distributing of bulk solid around the silo outlet, points out the reason of are forming and the method of breaking are. 对存仓排料口附近物料颗粒的应力分布情况进行了研究,分析其成拱的原因,并提出防止成拱及破除料拱的方法。
- The study result of stress distributing with heavier deflected load on roller has important reference to the generatrix shape-trimming. 还指出,关于较大偏载状况的滚子接触应力分布规律的研究,对滚子母线进行合理修形具有参考价值。
- We analyzed the circumference stress distributing and displacement distributing of the above four models by finite element method and made the comparison among them. 结果数值分析得出残余应力改变了周向应力的分布,没有改变周向应力水平,残余应力对血管的位移没有明显影响。
- When endodontic dowels were in stalled in standardized moels, direct comparisons of stress distributing properties were analysed through photoelastic stress analysis. 本研究是藉由光弹应力分析法来分析临床上经常使用的一种现成螺旋根柱,比较观察其长度及直径大小对于所产生的应力之影响。
- Under the axial overloading, the relation of the stress distributing between the column and thermal insulation layer with the change of Poisson's ratio is derived,. 研究了在轴向过载条件下药柱和绝热层接触面之间的应力应变分布随泊松比变化的关系。
- Moreover, the 3D stress distribution is more undulant than the 2D one. 相对而言,三维的应力分布曲线起伏较大。
- It places the analytical emphasis on the stress distributing of the crown and springe in bearing loads.And it gives the comparison between this method and project simplified method. 受力主要对拱冠和拱脚的应力分布进行了分析,并与工程简化算法进行了比较。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- This method depends on determining the change in stress distribution within the model when it is turned upside down. 倒置法的依据是在模型倒置时测定模型内应力分布的变化。
- The effect on the stress distribution will be negligible except in the immediate vicinity of such points. 除了紧靠荷载作用点的区域以外,上述影响均可以忽略不计。
- We defined the conditions of the plane stress distribution of thin plates subjected to in-plane forces. 我们定义了承受平面力的薄板平面应力分布条件。
- Stress distribution is determined in a thin conductive plate containing an elliptic hole under the external electromagnetic loads. 摘要给出一种针对含椭圆孔的导电薄板在电磁力作用下的分析方法。
- The phonon field and phason field stress intensity factors and stress distribution at the crack tips are also given. 进一步可以求得裂纹尖端的声子场和相位子场的应力强度因子,由这些应力强度因子求解了裂尖处的声子场和相位子场的应力分布。
- Finite element analysis has been used to calculate the stress distribution in crystals grown by the Bridgman method. 本文用有元分析法计算了 Bridgman 法生长的晶体中的应力分布。
- Objective: To analyse the difference of the stress distribution during mandible to be forced at the midline. 目的:分析不同年龄的下颌骨正中受力时,下颌骨三维有限元分布的差异。
- Conclusion:The established model may be used for the stress distribution of MCD. 结论:该模型可用于上颌全口义齿应力分布研究。
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。,在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。
- Objective To investigate the displacements and the stress distributions of a mandibular second molar. 目的了解下颌第二恒磨牙不同载荷下近中移动时的位移及应力分布情况。