- Well,judging from the checked-up,it may be a slightly strained muscle. 从检查结果看,也许是轻度肌肉拉伤。
- Well, judging from the checked-up, it may be a slightly strained muscle. 从检查结果看,也许是轻度肌肉拉伤。
- According to Hitzfeld, the Peruvian striker has a niggle on his left knee and the Paraguayan forward has a strained muscle. 根据希斯非尔德表示秘鲁射手的左膝有伤,而巴拉圭前锋则是肌肉拉伤。
- The mental choreography of fatigue is intricate, involving messages sent not only from the brain to the straining muscles but also to various areas within the mind as well. 疲惫的心理方面的文章是错综复杂的,包含了不仅仅从大脑发送给紧张肌肉的讯息,还有思维内部各个不同区域之间发送的讯息。
- My muscles are sore from lifting weights. 我的肌肉因为举重而感到酸痛。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- I bent back too far and hurt my back muscles. 我后仰得太厉害,扭伤了腰部。
- Exercise will firm up your muscles. 锻炼身体能使肌肉结实。
- These exercises will tone up your muscles. 这些运动方式会强健你的肌肉。
- He strained to finish the work in a week. 他拼命努力,想在一周内完成工作。
- She strained herself to a final burst of speed. 她倾全力突然加速作最后冲刺。
- He developed the muscles in the legs by running. 他藉着跑步使腿部的肌肉发达了。
- She strained her eyes in the darkness. 她在黑暗中睁大眼睛看。
- I must take some exercise and loosen up my muscles. 我必须运动一下放松放松肌肉。
- My muscles are sore from playing baseball. 我的肌肉因打垒球而感到酸痛。
- A story that strained our credibility. 一个超出我们信任程度的故事
- He finally break down under the four-hour's strain. 在四小时的压力下他终于支持不了。
- The muscles in the athlete's leg went into spasm. 那运动员的腿抽筋了。
- The gardeners flexed their muscles and began to dig. 园丁们舒腰展臂后才开始挖地。
- Paying all the bills is a strain on my resources. 支付所有这些费用是我经济上的一大负担。