- stacked dipole antenna 多层偶极天线
- The influence of ground screen on vertical dipole antenna was studied. 研究地网对垂直偶极子天线辐射特性的影响。
- The folded dipole antenna is probably only ever seen as a TV antenna. 被折叠的偶极天线被折叠的偶极天线大概曾经只被看见作为电视天线。
- In this thesis, we describe the design of the printed planar log periodic dipole antenna. 本论文就对数周期偶极天线平面化的设计架构加以论述。
- The radiation patterns and directivities of a dipole antenna and antenna arrays excited by sinusoidal and walsh waves are compared. 对偶极子天线和天线阵列用正弦波和沃尔什波辐射时的方向图和方向性系数进行了比较。
- Numerical results show that the double-feed dipole antenna has the advantage of smaller returning-loss, wider band, and dual-frequency, etc. 计算结果表明,双馈偶极子具有较小的回波损耗、宽频带以及双频工作等优点。
- A method,covering the antenna with an antenna radome,is proposed in the paper to realize the broadband impedance matching of the half-wave dipole antenna. 该文提出了一种加天线罩来实现半波振子天线宽频带阻抗匹配的方法。
- This BALUN can effectively compensate the series reactances by introducing a shunt resonant circuit and thus achieve the maximum bandwidth of microstrip dipole antenna. 该BALUN引入一个并联谐振电路,可以有效补偿半波振子的串联电抗而实现微带半波振子带宽的最大化。
- Abstract: A method of radar cross section(RCS) reduction of microstrip printed dipole antenna with a uniplanar compact-EBG(UC-EBG) ground plane is proposed. 摘要: 提出了一种使用电磁带隙结构来减小微带印刷对称阵子天线雷达散射截面的方法。
- In this paper, resonant characteristics of the meander-line dipole antenna depended on times of meanders, the height of meanders and the angle of meanders are analyzed. 摘要本文研究了由矩形弯折线构成的偶极子天线的谐振特性,分析了弯折线偶极子天线的弯折次数、矩形弯折的高度以及弯折角度等参数对天线谐振特性的影响。
- For a UWB communication system, by using differential characteristic of Herz magnetic dipole antenna, the narrow pulse can be produced from the rise edge of input square-wave signal. 在UWB通信中,利用赫兹磁偶极子天线的微分特性,由输入方波的上升沿产生窄脉冲。
- In this paper, symmetric dipole antenna design concern parameters: symmetric oscillator radiation field, radiation power, radiation resistance, as well as parameters such as direction of Fig. 本文介绍了对称振子天线设计中人们所关心的参量:对称振子的辐射场、辐射功率、辐射电阻以及方向图等参量。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- The frequency response of radiation pattern of a linear dipole antenna by Hertz dipoles field summation approximation. 分析赫芝偶极电磁场合成法计算偶极天线之辐射场型随频率之变化。
- It is very helpful to the miniaturization design of this sort of dipole antennas. 研究结果为此类偶极型天线的小型化设计提供了依据。
- Built-in very high frequency aerial; dipole antenna 机内超高频天线
- Design of a Folded Dipole Antenna 折叠偶极子天线的设计
- The floor was stacked up with books. 地板上堆满了书。
- According to the request of the question for discussion, the paper chooses coaxial collinear dipole antennas as project for research. 本文根据课题需要,选择了多段同轴振子天线作为研究对象。
- The girl stacked the blocks with deliberation. 这个女孩从容地把砖堆砌起来。