- The old sailor loves to spin yarns about his life at sea. 那老水手爱信口开河地讲他的航海生涯。
- The old sailor love to spin yarn about his life at sea. 那老水手爱信口开河地讲他的航海生涯。
- The old sailor loves to spin yarns about his life at sea . 那位老水手喜欢讲述他的航海生涯。
- He used to spin yarns(= tell stories)about his time in the Army. 他过去经常编造一些有关他在部队时的离奇故事。
- Classic and novelty spun yarns for knitwear. 分类标题:人造合成纱线|纺织纱线...
- Having met,as a society,the basic survival and security needs,people simply don't need each other anymore to spin yarn or wash dishes or repair electrical plugs for that matter. 作为一个社会群体中的人们,在其基本的生存与安全需要得到满足之后,自然而然地,也不再彼此需要来纺纱、洗碗碟或修电源插头了。
- Old sailors like to spin yarns. 老海员们喜欢讲故事。
- Breezing through the clientele spinning yarns that were so lyrical. 妳飘然走过客人,编着太浪漫的故事。
- Also, it is more uniform but somewhat weaker than ring- spun yarn. 另外,无捻纱比环锭纱条干更均匀,强度则略低
- In general, single spun yarns must be slashed for all the above reasons. 一般说来,由于上述种种原因,短纤维单纱必须上浆。
- The old fisherman used to delight the children of the village by spinning yarns about the whale fishery. 那老渔夫常给村里的孩子讲捕鲸的故事,使他们听得津津有味。
- Mother used to spin her own yarn. 母亲过去一直是自己纺纱的。
- Ideally, one thinks of yarns as smooth cylindrical objects when, in fact, most spun yarns are quite"hairy". 理想化的纱线是一个光滑的圆柱体,可是实际上短纤维纱表面存在着许多毛羽。
- Furthermore, in knitted structures, Selfil yarns snag and pull less than ring- spun yarns. 另外,自捻纱用于织造针织品时,与环锭纱相比,纤维不易被拉出。
- Pilling occurs in a stepwise manner. Fibers from spun yarns migrate progressively to the surface of the cloth. 起球是分阶段进行的,短纤维纱线中的纤维逐渐向织物表面迁移。
- The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes. 那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。
- Initially, it was suitable for only a limited range of relatively plain fabrics, produced from spun yarns. 在初期阶段,该织机仅适用于有限范围内的相对简单的短纤维织物。
- There are some differences in quality and characteristics between ring- and rotor- spun yarns, but both have some advantages. 气流纺纱线与环锭纺纱线的质量和特点方面有一定的差异,但又具备各自的优点。
- Also, greige and fiber dyed and mercerised spun yarns, and collections of knitwear.English and Chinese. 中国轻纺城金根纺织品有限公司-经营绣花、植绒、喷花、烫金、烫银、轧皱、压花、剪花、喷金、喷银等业务。
- The lorry went into a spin on a patch of ice. 卡车在一片冰地上打滑了。