- An atmosphere of social harmony. 礼貌社会和谐的气氛
- One of the obstaches to social harmony is privilege. 导致社会不协调的障碍之 一是特权.
- One of the obstacles to social harmony is privilege. 导致社会不协调的障碍 之一是特权.
- Government and citizens harmony is a barometer of social harmony. 摘要政民和谐是社会和谐的晴雨表。
- To sum up, I think the education is very important, so is the social harmony. 题目不是要论证社会和谐重不重要。
- Social harmony must depend on the common prosperity at all levels of society. 摘要社会的和谐必须有赖于社会各阶层的共同富裕。
- Racial harmony should encompass three main factors: mutual respect, social harmony and good public security. 种族和睦应该拥有三要素:相互尊重、社会生活协调、良好的社会治安环境。
- Racial harmony should encompass three main factors: mutual respect,social harmony and good public security. 种族和睦应该拥有三要素:相互尊重、社会生活协调、良好的社会治安环境。
- These celebrations harbinger social harmony and amity and preach the lofty Jain motto Live and Let live. 这些仪式预示着社会和谐,和睦,宣扬着崇高的耆那教教训生和放生。
- In order to promote social harmony, education should also prevent students from being cynical. 这是典型的反说吧,既使教育不这样,社会上的问题也会存在,不和谐因素一样会造成影响。
- To provide the most valuable properties and services as well as promote social harmony and progress. 提供最具价值的物业与服务,促进社会和谐与进步。
- Socialist sharing concept is to unite the people and promote social harmony and a strong bond. 社会主义荣辱观是凝聚人心、促进社会和谐的坚强纽带。
- We need a strong government to implement One Country, Two Systems, promote social harmony, and enhance economic growth. 我们需要有强政励治的政府,落实一国两制,创建和谐社会,推动经济发展,造福全体市民。
- This can help establish social harmony and facilitate concerted efforts to further the progress of our society. 所以,我们应该可以求大同存小异,促进和谐,一起努力推动香港社会进步。
- No common ideals and beliefs, no good moral standards, it is impossible to achieve social harmony. 没有共同的理想信念,没有良好的道德规范,是无法实现社会和谐的。
- Economic and social harmony was achieved by implementing preferential tax policies and utilizing the tax leverage. 认真落实税收调控和优惠政策,促进了经济社会和谐发展。
- Education encourages students to question and criticize, and therefore does little to promote social harmony. 教育鼓励学生去质疑和批评,因此对促进社会和谐无济于事。
- It fosters positive social relationship, trust and participation that enhance social harmony and solidarity. 社会福利促进正面、互信的社会关系,鼓励社会参与,提高社会的和谐团结。
- Therefore, to create the basic condition of social harmony, we must first of all solidify the moral base for fair play and justice. 因此,为了创设社会和谐的基本条件,首先要夯实公平正义的道德基础。
- Therefore, Singaporeans must always remain discreet in what they say and do, always neutral on religious issues, because social harmony is the top priority for the country. 我们的举止言行,都得小心翼翼,随时保持种族宗教中立,维持社会和谐是国家的首要任务。