- She can do a lot of skilled work though she is under age. 虽然她还太年轻,但她能够做许多需要技巧的工作。
- sink under age 因年迈而衰弱
- People who are either under age or over age may not join. 年龄不到或者超龄的人都不得参加。
- He was rejected by the conscription office because he was under age. 征兵办公室没有接受他,因为他尚未到年龄。
- You shouldn't sell cigarettes to teenagers who are under age. 你不应该把香烟卖给没到岁数的青少年。
- To sink under the weight was but to increase the weight. 在困难之中消沉下去就等于增加困难。
- He had been under age when he joined the army. 他参军时还未到年龄。
- People who are under age may not join. 未成年人不能参加。
- They are all under age but addicted to drugs. 上一篇:反正谁在乎?下一篇:真是左右为难!
- I can't go into that bar, I am under age. 我不能进那个酒吧,我还没成年呢。
- He started drinking in pubs when he was still under age. 他还未到法定年龄时,就开始在酒店喝酒。
- People who are either under age or over age may not join the army. 年龄不到或者超龄的人都不得参军。
- To sink under trouble is to double the weight, and he that will die in it, shall die in it. 遇到困难就意志消沉下去那就等于增加双倍的困难,自愿死在困难里面的人是必定会死在里头的。
- Soon the ship sank under the water. 很快地那艘船就沉到水底去了。
- He sank under the burden of his misery. 他受不了苦难66的重压。
- The boy could not enlist in the army because he was under age. 这男孩因为太小,不能入伍。
- The ground suddenly sank under his feet. 他脚下的土地突然陷下去了。
- He was rejected by the army because he was under age. 他因为尚未成年而未被批准入伍。
- You shall not sell cigarette to teenagers who are under age. 你不应该把香烟卖给没到岁数的青少年。
- Japan has the lowest death rates for children under age five. 日本五岁以下儿童的死亡率是最低的。