- Rail Haulage for Long Tunnels on Single Track Railway 单线铁路长大隧道有轨运输方式的探讨
- The Research of Mucking Transport Method in Super-long Single Track Railway Tunnel 铁路特长单线隧道出碴运输方案研究
- Laying a Railway Track and Running Controlling of Track Transportation in Single Track Railway Construction 单线铁路隧道有轨运输轨道铺设与行车调度
- single track railway 单线铁路
- Study on the Relation between Number of Fleeting Trains and the Number of Station Tracks On a Single Tracked Railway 单线追踪列车数与车站配线数的关系研究
- Corner piece for flexible use of single track curtain rail. 转角件便于灵活使用单轨窗帘杆。
- single tracked railway 单线铁路
- A single track system in 1910, it was completely electrified and double-tracked by 1983. 九铁在一九一零年投入服务时是一个单轨系统,在一九八三年,已改善成为一个完全电气化的双轨铁路系统。
- A single track system in 1910,it was completely electrified and double-tracked by 1983. 它在一九一零年投入服务时是一个单轨系统,在一九八三年,已改善成为一个完全电气化的双轨铁路系统。
- The 96-kilo-meter long single track working rail was recently added to UN-ESCO’s World Heritage list. 这段96公里长的山道铁轨是联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产之一。
- Also see the following links for more information on Bill Patterson and his Single Track Vehicle design course at Cal Poly. 还可以看到以下链接,了解更多关于条例草案帕特森和他的单一履带车辆设计的课程,卡尔多。
- Powerful, moves with purpose and agility and is capable of considerable speed. Measured and deliberate when walking. At speed will tend toward, and may reach a single track. 稳健,移动灵活,带有明确目的性的速度。规范而整齐的步幅。向前奔跑可形成一条清晰的足迹。
- The Hongkong Tramways Limited has six overlapping services,using 13kilometres of double track along the north shore of Hong Kong Island between Kennedy Town and Shau Kei Wan,and about three kilometres of single track around Happy Valley. 香港电车有限公司共经营6条部分重叠的行车路线,包括全长13公里,由港岛北岸坚尼地城至筲箕湾的双程路轨,以及环绕跑马地长约3公里的单程路轨。
- The Hongkong Tramways Limited has six overlapping services, using 13kilometres of double track along the north shore of Hong Kong Island between Kennedy Town and Shau Kei Wan, and about three kilometres of single track around Happy Valley. 香港电车有限公司共经营6条部分重叠的行车路线,包括全长13公里,由港岛北岸坚尼地城至筲箕湾的双程路轨,以及环绕跑马地长约3公里的单程路轨。
- The great railroad systems across the continent originated first in the single track line via Ogden, Utah.When others saw the great advantage, they also built railroads to tap the wealth of the West. 伟大的铁路系统;对整个非洲大陆的起源;首先在单轨线路通过;犹他州奥格登.;当别人看见一大优势;他们还建成了铁路;挖掘丰富的西部地区
- Jiaoxin Line, the first lightrail transit in Chongqing which adopts single track and overhead station structure, with 11 stations in the 1st phase, will be built in 3 different structures. 重庆轨道交通较新线为国内首条采用跨坐式单轨胶轮的城市轨道交通工程,其一期工程的高架车站有11座,按结构型式可分为门式刚架结构、单层独柱墩结构和双层独柱墩结构等3种;
- Distribution of a harmful gas in double track railway tunnels 铁路双线隧道中有害气体分布规律的研究
- Seen from front or rear, the forelegs, as well as the hind legs below the hock joint, move perpendicularly to the ground, with some tendency towards a single track as speed increases. 身躯:有足够的长度,允许他迈出直而大的步伐。胸部:深,差不多能延伸到肘部,前胸适度突出,超过肩胛骨与上臂接合的关节。
- Renovation of Dangerous Bridges on the Local Narrow Track Railway 既有窄轨地方铁路危桥整治方案研究
- The letter was written on a single sheet of paper. 这封信只用一张纸写成。