- He had the advantage over other boys of being born into a rich family. 他与其他男孩相比的有利条件是出生在一个有钱的家庭。
- He allied himself to a rich family . 他和富家联姻。
- They rented the house out to a rich family. 他们把房子出租给一个有钱人家。
- Justina is from a rich family, so they may be hers. 贾斯蒂娜来自富裕的家庭,它们一定是她的。
- This dandy from a rich family is presumptuous and unlawful. 这个纨绔子弟做事骄横恣肆, 无法无天。
- Bao Xuan said, "You come from a rich family and are used to wearing fancy clothes, but my family is poor and your attire is not appropriate. 鲍宣便说:“少君生在奢富的家庭,习惯了漂亮的装扮,可是我们鲍家很穷苦,你这种打扮实在不得体!”
- Lily : Justina is from a rich family, so they may be hers. 莉莉:贾斯蒂娜来自富裕的家庭,它们一定是她的。
- John had the advantage of being born into a rich family. 约翰因出生在有钱人家,所以比其他男孩占有优势。
- She squared the silk cloth off for a scarf. 她把这块丝料剪成方形做围巾。
- She was born in 1906 to a rich family in Baltimore, Maryland. 她于1906年出生于马里兰州巴尔的摩的一个富裕家庭,
- Florence Nightingale came from a rich family and was very pretty. 弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔出身于富有家庭,相貌俊俏。
- Rosie came from a rich family and she loved animals. 她不是那种易动感情的人。她总是强调保持冷静沉着。
- Maria Sklodocoska became governess to a rich family in a remote part of Poland. 玛丽娅·斯克洛道斯卡在波兰的一个偏远地区当了一个有钱人家的家庭女教师。
- She married into a rich family. 她嫁到了有钱人家。
- Be very carful when you wash silk clothes. 洗丝绸衣服时一定要小心。
- He wan born in a rich family but it seems that he has come down in the world. 他出身于一个富裕家庭,但看来已经家道中落了。
- Be very careful when you wash these silk clothes. 洗这些丝绸衣服时,你一定要小心。
- The film talks about a famous actor named Dick. Dick is from a rich family. 电影讲的是一个叫迪克的著名演员。迪克来自一个富裕的家庭。
- You should buy some silk clothes for your daughter. 你应该为你女儿买一些丝绸衣服。
- Xinjiang Hanzhade Silk Cloth Co., Ltd. 新疆汗扎德丝绸有限公司。