- shelled dried shrimp 虾米
- Dried shrimp and dried radish can be cleaned by soaking them in cold water, said Ciou. 消保会组长邱惠美:虾米还有萝卜乾,可以用冷水浸泡的方式去除掉。
- Place dried shrimp, followed by fried shallots, pork floss, and salted egg yolk on tofu. 将虾米、炸葱头、肉松以及咸蛋黄铺放在豆腐上。
- Pan fry the scallions, minced garlic and carrots, then add the dried shrimp roe. 葱、蒜蓉及甘笋于镬中爆香,加入虾子同炒。
- Dried Shrimp rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron, which enhances healthy growth of bone and teeth, facilitates metabolism and prevents anaemia. 虾米含丰富的钙、磷、铁等矿物质。可促进骨骼、牙齿生长和发育,加强人体新陈代谢功能,预防贫血。
- Nasi Kerabu, the Kelantan's blue-coloured steamed rice served with grilled kampong fish and dried shrimp paste accompanied by ulam, salted egg and fish cracker. 克拉布饭,是一种用蓝色的花,取其自然颜色的饭,伴以烤甘榜鱼、咸蛋及鱼饼等食用。
- Ingredients : 300g Yam(peeled &diced), 200g Rice flour, 50g Tropica flour, 900g Water, some Preserved Chinese Sausages &Meat, some Dried Shrimp(soaked). 材料:芋头(去皮切粒)300克、粘米粉200克、生粉50克、水900克、腊味粒适量、虾米(已泡好)适量。
- It is a good taste of snack food made from dry shrimp with chili onto the skin of spring-roll and deep fried. The shelf-life is 18 months. 是一种非常好吃的休闲食品,由带有红辣椒的干虾附着于春卷的表面,经深入地油炸而成。保质期为18个月。
- Wash and soak dried shrimps; soak mushroom and dice Chinese sausages. 虾米洗净浸透,冬菇浸透切粒,腊肠切粒。
- Soak dried scallop and dried shelled shrimp until soft. 干贝、虾米泡软。
- Shell dry powdered coal gasification Shell干煤粉气化
- Delichef Crispy Dried Shrimp in Chili Oil 干虾辣椒酱
- Morning Glory with Dried Shrimp and Chilli 泰式空心菜
- Braised heart of cabbage and dried shrimp in 奶油虾干扒菜心
- He shelled out a lot to get that typewriter. 他花了不少钱买那架打字机。
- Shelled fresh shrimp socked in medicine? 泡药虾仁?
- Stir fry dried shrimps, lean pork and salted turnip with 2 tbsp oil. Dish up and leave to cool. 下油二汤匙,放下虾米、瘦肉、菜脯炒熟,盛起待稍冷。
- Those shrimp are already shelled. 那些虾子已经剥过壳了。
- Using a syringe, medication are prepared. It is then injected into the dried shrimps. 准备好针管;药品.;然后注射到干夏中