- The glut of coffee led to a sharp drop in prices. 咖啡供过于求道致价格急剧下跌。
- After the storm there will be a sharp drop in temperature. 风暴过后,气温会骤降。
- Views between :a sharp drop in property tax could allow prices? 观点交锋:开征物业税能否会让房价大幅下降?
- Scientists blame fishing for the sharp drop in the number of turtles. 科学家将海龟数量的急剧减少归咎于捕鱼业。
- Popular market in the doldrums, the sharp drop in the turnover into four. 市场人气低迷,成交额锐减四成。
- Cutbacks in auto output contributed to a sharp drop in the official index of industrial production. 汽车产量的缩减也是促使官方工业生产指数急剧下降的原因之一。
- Strong fixed-income trading results offset a sharp drop in debt-underwriting revenue. 该公司固定收益产品交易业务业绩强劲,抵消了债券承销收入大幅下降的负面影响。
- Topline of body from withers to tail should be firm and incline slightly downward without sharp drop at the croup. 背线:从马肩隆到尾巴这一段身躯,稳固,且略微向下倾斜,但不是剧烈的向臀部下坠。
- At London Stock Exchange, the sharp drop in the share price of Glaxo SmithKlein, the largest pharmaceutical company in Europe, has affected the market. 在伦敦股市,欧洲最大的制药企业葛兰素-史克公司的股票价格大幅下跌影响了股市行情。
- Also relevant state departments are to make policy adjustments to prevent a sharp drop in housing prices or even collapse of the phenomenon. 再者国家相关部门也正在做出政策方面的调整,防止房价出现大幅下降甚至崩盘的现象。
- And faced with a sharp drop in revenue, most states are preparing savage budget cuts, many of them at the expense of the most vulnerable. 面临收入的剧烈下降,大多数州准备大幅削减预算,其中许多就是牺牲那些最容易受到伤害的人们的利益。
- This raises an additional concern: that weaker exports could lead to a sharp drop in investment because exporters would need to add less capacity. 这引发其他的关注:减弱的出口会导致投资的大幅度减少,因为出口商需要追加的生产力少了。
- Leakage within the hydraulic system will cause a sharp drop in volumetric efficiency, amounting to less than the required pressure, can not even work. 内漏会引起液压系统容积效率急剧下降,达不到所需要的工作压力,甚至不能进行工作。
- A sharp drop in sales of its Windows operating system that took hold in December led to the lackluster results, which missed analysts’ expectations. 而这样惨淡的业绩主要因为微软12月市场操作系统的极速下滑。
- The already unsettled international markets saw a last mad rush into the US stock markets,causing a sharp drop in the capital available to developing countries. 在已经动荡不安的国际市场上,人们抓紧最后机会疯狂地涌入美国股市,造成可供发展中国家使用的资本急剧下降。
- The economy has contracted,interest rates are higher and unemployment has risen. This has led to a sharp drop in the near-term demand for private sector residential property. 由于经济萎缩、利率上扬、失业率高企,私人住宅物业的短期需求已大幅下降。
- An acute disease marked by high fever and a sharp drop in circulating granular white blood cells.It may be drug - induced or the result of exposure to radiation. 颗粒性白细胞缺乏症一种急性病,症状特点为高烧和循环颗粒白细胞的突然减少,可能由药物引起或是受到辐射的影响
- The already unsettled international markets saw a last mad rush into the US stock markets, causing a sharp drop in the capital available to developing countries. 在已经动荡不安的国际市场上,人们抓紧最后机会疯狂地涌入美国股市,造成可供发展中国家使用的资本急剧下降。
- An acute disease marked by high fever and a sharp drop in circulating granular white blood cells. It may be drug-induced or the result of exposure to radiation. 颗粒性白细胞缺乏症一种急性病,症状特点为高烧和循环颗粒白细胞的突然减少,可能由药物引起或是受到辐射的影响。
- The economy has contracted, interest rates are higher and unemployment has risen. This has led to a sharp drop in the near-term demand for private sector residential property. 由於经济萎缩、利率上扬、失业率高企,私人住宅物业的短期需求已大幅下降。