- The breath went out of her in a wail, her body shook with violent sobbing. 她恸哭失声,整个身子都随着剧烈的抽泣发起抖来。
- The breath went out of her in a wail , her body shook with violent sobbing. 她恸哭失声,整个身子都随着剧烈的抽泣发起抖来。
- Ira vehementi with violent anger, 怒火燃烧
- It's too easy to lash a crowd into anger with violent words. 很容易用激烈的言辞激起群众的愤怒。
- It is too easy to lash a crowd into anger with violent words . 很容易用激烈的言辞激起群众的愤怒。
- We know it's too easy to lash a crowd into anger with violent words. 我们知道激烈的言词极容易激起群众的愤概。
- The situation made us shake with fear. 这阵势让人心惊胆战。
- To shake with a slight, rapid, tremulous movement. 颤动以一种轻微快速颤抖的运动摆动
- The sight makes him shake with fear. 这景象使他心惊胆战。
- I disagree with violent protests. 我不赞成暴力抗议。
- Her hands began to shake with age. 她的手随着年龄的增长开始颤抖。
- To come together with violent, direct impact. 碰撞物体以猛烈、直接的冲力相接触
- Some cannot help expressing their feelings: They cry, shake with anger, or laugh uncomfortably. 有的受害人抑制不住情感:她们会哭泣、愤怒得发抖、或不自然地发笑。
- To hit heavily and repeatedly with violent blows. 敲碎,捣毁以连续猛击来捣毁,砸烂,击伤
- She is often tormented with violent headaches. 她经常为猛烈的头痛所苦。
- His speech was received with violent opposition. 他的讲话遭到了极大的反对。
- An emotional state characterized by sullenness and outbreaks of violent anger,believed to arise from black bile. 忧郁据信是因黑胆汁过多而引起的,以精神郁闷、低沉及怒气猛烈爆发为特征的一种精神状态
- Shake with cracked ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass. 加冰摇后入冰镇三角杯。
- Shake with crushed ice; strain into chilled cocktail glass. 加碎冰摇后入冰镇杯。
- An emotional state characterized by sullenness and outbreaks of violent anger, believed to arise from black bile. 忧郁据信是因黑胆汁过多而引起的,以精神郁闷、低沉及怒气猛烈爆发为特征的一种精神状态