- Hold this mallet half moon shape, not hold tightly. 这槌的拿法是拿半月形的,不能都整个抓握。
- We have shown for the first time, which the profile of the probe beam becomes a crescent moon shape when it is focusing.2. 我们首次通过非线性薛定鄂方程得到信号光束波形在聚焦时是弯月型的结果。
- You only put quit a small amount of filling on the wrapper and then fold together the edges of the wrapper to form a half moon shape,and press the edger well together.That's it. 你只需放少量的馅在饺子皮里,然后把饺子皮的边缘折在一起成一个半月形,最后把边缘压紧,这就好了。
- This crop circle is an elaboration on the basic pentagram shape with moon shapes protruding from each point of the star. 这个麦田怪圈里有个精致的五角星,每个角上有个突出的月亮。
- The full moon has a circular shape. 满月呈圆形。
- The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。
- Barry only visits his parents once in a blue moon. 巴里很难得去看望他父母一次。
- Last night there was a full moon. 昨晚是满月。
- The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。
- The spacecraft is in orbit around the moon. 该航天器在绕月球轨道运行。
- The moon peeped out from behind the clouds. 月亮从云层中隐现。
- The metal piece is shaped like a new moon. 这个金属部件制成新月状。
- The full moon has a circular form. 满月呈圆形。
- If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. 如果我们能渡过这段经济不景气的时间,我们就会好多了。
- The tides depend on the pull of the moon. 潮汐是月亮引力作用的结果。
- It is now possible to put a man on the moon. 目前已能将人送到月球上。
- The earth, sun and moon are spheres. 地球、太阳和月亮都是天体。
- The dress was shaped to her figure. 这件洋装做得很适合她的身材。
- The potter shaped the clay into a vase. 陶工将泥土塑成花瓶。
- The moon emerged from behind the clouds. 月亮从云层後露出。