- LGB screw pump is corrosion-resisitant . 并具有耐腐蚀性。
- Optimization design theory of screw pump production system has been discussed particularly, which include selection of screw pump, rod, tube, matching tool and drive sub. 详细论述了聚驱螺杆泵生产系统优选理论,包括螺杆泵的选择、抽油杆柱、油管、配套工具和驱动头的选择。
- But movement mode of screw pump is rotating motion.Bearing force mode of rod has been changed from tensile to torsional.So,the threadless rod is often generated fracture and trip. 应用到螺杆泵上以后,主要的运动方式是旋转运动,承力方式也由抗拉变成抗扭,使用以前的平扣抽油杆经常出现断脱现象。
- Figure 1 express cutaway view of the three screw pump. 图1表示三螺杆 泵的剖视图。
- Wire line flexible pumping rod is a coiled rod with sealing wire line. 钢丝绳柔性抽油杆是一种特种密封钢丝绳的连续抽油杆。
- At present,the sucker rod used in screw pump is the threadless rod used in beam unit.The threadless rod is suited for up and down reciprocating motion,tensile strength is main antiforce index of rod. 在用螺杆泵抽油杆大多都是沿用抽油机上使用的平扣抽油杆,适合于上下往复运动,抗拉强度是抽油杆的主要抗力指标。
- In the light of the frequent breaking of the rod string in a surface driven screw pump well, the force condition of the string in the well is analyzed by means of the elastoplasticity theory. 针对井口驱动螺杆泵抽油杆柱断脱频繁的问题,应用弹塑性理论分析了抽油杆柱在井中的受力状况。
- Partial abrasion of rod string in screw pump well which is surface driven is the main reason that restricts its application, but the prevention method used presently cant solve the problem radically. 地面驱动螺杆泵井抽油杆的偏磨是制约螺杆泵应用的主要原因,目前采用的防治方法不能从根本上解决该问题。
- Newly developed electric heating hollow rod drive screw pump system adopts hollow sucker rod to drive the screw pump.It has twice the antitorque capacity of the hollow rod with the same cross section. 新研制的电加热空心抽油杆驱动螺杆泵装置采用空心杆驱动螺杆泵,抗扭承载能力比相同横截面积的实心杆增大近1倍。
- The computing procedure of all profiles design for double screw pump has been. 介绍了双螺杆泵各类型面设计的计算机设计程序。
- Title: Reformation of zero position sensing device of flying shear used in high-speed wire rod line of Anyang Iron and Steel Group Co. 关键词:高速线材轧机;电气控制系统;飞剪;零位检测装置;改造措施
- It can be used in antomatic eddy testing of the tubings with joints,and also in the automatic testing of pump rod. 该设备主要用于带接箍油管的全自动化涡流探伤,也可用于抽油杆的自动检测。
- An automatic control system of screw pump is introduced in this paper.Accident is avoided while the screw pump works without slurry. 介绍了一种螺杆泵电气自动控制系统,成功地避免了螺杆泵在无矿浆状态下运行造成的毁坏事故。
- The paper states the present condition, problem to be existed, revitalization counter measure and organization implementation option of habilitation elevated rod line in Nanjing City. 该文阐述南京市道路架空杆线现状、存在问题、整治对策措施和组织实施方案。
- Main production gear pumps, screw pump, pump, high viscosity rotor pump. 主营生产齿轮泵、螺杆泵、离心泵、高粘度转子泵。
- PCM screw pump was used immediately after steam injection in Well Shu 1-39-036 and achieved initial success. 在曙1-39-036井注汽结束后直接采用PCM螺杆泵生产,获得阶段性成功。
- Machinery and other production methods, screw pump system is characterized by a higher system efficiency, a study of its great significance. 与其它机械采油方式相比,螺杆泵采油系统的突出特点是系统效率较高,对其进行研究意义重大。
- Our factory take the processing screw rotor as startinr points,developed the type of screw pump,screw spindle compressor,screw freezer. 我厂以螺杆转子加工制造备件起点,开发螺杆泵系列产品,螺杆式压缩机、冷冻机主机。
- According to the energy loss of every part of screw pump well,established system efficiency analysis model for the well. 根据螺杆泵井各个部分运动特点及能量损失情况,建立了螺杆泵井系统效率分析模型。
- Abstract In adopting API method, the kinetic model of a multistage pumping rod system was simplified into mul tiple lumped masses connected in series by springs. 采用API方法时,把多级抽油杆系统动力学模型简化成由多个弹簧串联多个集中质量。