- Due to the finite photocopiers and scanner resolution, is difficult to reproduce the microform characters. 由于长远复印机及扫描仪分辨率无穷,因而难以表现缩微字符。
- Warp core stabilizers now suffer a penalty to scan resolution and maximum targeting range. 核心稳定将会设置扫描速度和扫描距离的惩罚。
- The text and lines for processing, in order to avoid histologicai, the introduction of the resolution in general much higher than the image scan resolution. 在差笔墨和线条举行办理时,为制止锯齿,所撤的分辨率凡是远矮于图像的扫描分辨率。
- In the pre-pressed DTP system, image-input, line-screen level, gray level and image-output are all concerned with the scanning resolution. 在彩色桌面印前系统中,图像扫描输入、加网线数、灰度等级和照排机输出都与扫描分辨率有关。
- Nothing can unsettle his resolution. 什么也动摇不了他的决心。
- He made a resolution never to repeat the act. 他决心不再采取那种行动。
- He moved a resolution in the meeting. 他在会议上提出了一个决议。
- The doctors gave him an ultrasonic brain scan. 医生给他做了脑部超声波扫描检查。
- The resolution was accepted unanimously. 该项决议得到与会者一致的认可。
- He is a man of great resolution. 他是一个极其果断的人。
- Japan exercised her veto to block the resolution. 日本使用了否决权反对该项决议。
- The unexpected blow did not stagger his resolution. 这个意外的打击并没有动摇他的决心。
- The second scan revealed a brain tumor. 第二次扫描显示出一个脑瘤。
- He failed to get promoted for lack of resolution. 他因缺乏果断力而未能得到升迁。
- The resolution was approved without dissent. 这项决议案被一致通过。
- The news confirmed my resolution. 这消息加强了我的决心。
- The resolution was carried nem con. 决议案获一致通过。
- The committee have adopted a resolution to build a park. 委员会做出一个项决议,决定兴建一座公园。
- I scan Time magazine while wait at the doctor's office. 在医生的诊所等的时候,我翻看时代杂志。
- You should know the significance to the scanner. 你应该知道垂向扫描器的意义。