- It's like a watercolour forming. 就象一幅水彩画的构成。
- s like a watercolour forming. 就象一幅水彩画的构成。
- It' s like a dream come ( ie that has come ) true. 这有如梦想变成了现实.
- This meeting room' s like a furnace. 这个会议室热得象火炉一样。
- He’s so doped up on meds he’s like a kitten. 他每天都吃药简直像小猫一样乖。
- Actually, F4 is not like a meteor.It’s like a rising star. 实际上,F4不像一颗流星,它像一颗正在上升的星星。
- That’s like a Trojan picking a Bruin.Or (almost) a Dodger picking a Giant. 这就像是特洛伊人挑选木马,或者道奇队挑选巨人。
- It‘ s like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky. 实验就象海市蜃楼,在高温下,光线发生弯曲,从而前面的道路就看不见了,而只能看到后面的天空图象。
- It’s like a well-kept old European train station, with lots of girders and exposed metal. 它象是一个维护的很好的有很多钢染和裸露金属的欧洲火车站。
- When rally day comes to Good Hope Baptist church in Rosier Creek, Virginia, it’s like a homecoming. 当弗吉尼亚州罗奇尔溪镇浸信会“好望”教堂的集会日到来时,这里就像是一次归乡聚会。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。
- This belief in equal opportunity has produced a spirit of competition. It’s like a race to the top of the success ladder. 这种机会均等的信念造就了一种竞争的精神, 它就像一场通往成功之梯顶端的比赛一样。
- She was like a narcissus trembling in the wind. 她像一株在风中摇动的水仙。
- The driven gear fits its driving gear like a glove. 这个从动齿轮与它的主动轮啮合得非常好。
- He talks like a parrot and just repeats what he heard. 他只是鹦鹉学舌,拾人牙慧罢了。
- And it’s like a large dragon, surmounts lofty hills, traversing boundless grassland, bridgeing over the vast desert, rushing towards to the boundless sea. 它好像一条巨龙,翻越巍巍群山,穿过茫茫草原,跨过浩瀚的沙漠,奔向苍茫的大海。
- It’s like a flower blossom,Graceful, not disturbing a soul!The mindless, subtle fragrance drifts with wind,Whiffs over a low wall, and sojournsIn the airAround the sun. 如花般绽放,如此优雅,不曾打扰灵魂,不曾注意,那微妙的芳香随风漂流,那香气掠过矮矮的墙,在空中逗留着,围绕着太阳。
- The dog clung like a limpet to the thief. 那条狗死死缠住小偷不放。
- Those new pills you gave me worked like a charm. 你给我的那些新药丸真是药到病除。
- I'd like a room on the upper level. 我想要楼上的房间。