- The rules of evidence were rudimentary. 证据之规则尚不完善。
- The Federal Rules of Evidence currently in force were promulgated by the Supreme Court and enacted by Congress in 1975. 目前生效的联邦证据规则是在1975年由国会制定、最高法院颁布的。
- After the Federal Rules of Evidence were enacted,a number of jurisdictions abandoned Frye. 联邦证据规则颁布之后,许多地区都摒弃了Frye规则。
- After the Federal Rules of Evidence were enacted, a number of jurisdictions abandoned Frye. 联邦证据规则颁布之后,许多地区都摒弃了Frye规则。
- They must present information that goes beyond first hand observation, opinions and hearsay not permitted under ordinary rules of evidence. 他们就必须提出根据一般证据规则所不允许的直接观察资料、观点和传闻之外的知识。
- Or by the Federal Rules of Evidence (followed by some state courts) which stress helpfulness, reliability, and relevance. 或者根据联邦证据规则(许多州法院采纳此规则),这个规则强调有用性、可靠性和关联性。
- Rather, they are informal because they do not involve the technical rules of evidence, procedure, and precedents that a court of law must use. 他们是非正式的,更主要的是由于他们不牵涉法院必须使用的技术性很强的证据规则、程序和判例等。
- Lack of evidence resulted in their acquittal. 因证据不足而宣判他们无罪。
- In the new rules of evidence, the supreme court makes corresponding principals, which are intepretated as the probability criterion. 最高人民法院在新近的证据规则中设置了相应的规定,司法解释为高度的盖然性标准。
- He examined each piece of evidence in isolation. 他分别审查每一证据。
- The rule of electronic evidence collection contains rule of evidence examination, rule of evidence collection and rule of evidence affirmation. 电子证据采信规则包括电子证据的查证规则、证规则、定规则。
- For instance, the rules of evidence disclosure, the rules of inquiry, the rules of relevance and the rules of admissibility all show some special features. 如证据开示规则、询问规则,关联性规则和可采性规则等。
- He couldn't produce a scrap of evidence against it. 对於那件事他一点也提不出证据。
- It"s a rule of evidence that standardizes the qualification of evidence, whose central question is to define its effect. 非法证据排除规则是一项规范证据能力的证据规则,其核心问题是确定非法证据的效力问题。
- The judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence. 法官因缺乏证据而拒不受理这宗案件。
- I did the calculation by the rule of three. 我是根据比例运算法则计算出来的。
- Rule of corroboration is an important rule in system of evidence, which is a stipulation that definitely provable value of kinds of evidence. 补强证据规则是证据制度中的一项重要规则,是法律对几类言词证据明确限制其证明力的法则。
- It's against the rules of the school to smoke. 吸烟是违反校规的。
- The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. 安全驾驶之规则适用于每个人。
- Because these experts are imparting information "beyond the ken" of the layperson, they must present information that goes beyond first hand observation, opinions and hearsay not permitted under ordinary rules of evidence. 因为这些专家要向外行人讲授“外行人知识领域之外”的知识,他们就必须提出根据一般证据规则所不允许的直接观察资料、观点和传闻之外的知识。