- Reverberation time and indoor construction are the determining factors. 混响时间和房内结构等是对音质产生影响的重要因素。
- The formula of reverberation time by W.C.Sabine is a foundation of architectural acoustics. 摘要赛宾的“混响时间”公式,奠定了建筑声学的基础。
- Sound absorption materials is always used in controlling reverberation time in the acousti-cal design of studios. 对演播厅混响时间的控制,在声学设计上往往通过安装吸声材料来实现。
- How to design reverberation time is a problem to be settled in the concert hall construction. 摘要当前,在音乐厅建设中,混响时间设计值的选择问题是亟需解决的。
- Basing on the different using requirements, how to select an optimization reverberation time is one of the important contents in the timbre design. 摘要对于音乐演播厅用途的公共建筑来说,音质效果的优劣是一项重要指标。
- In this paper, turnable sound absorption structure is used to makethe reverberation time modulatable so as to meet the requirements of broadcasting. 在黑龙江省财政专科学校“电教中心”的改建工程中,我们采用了墙面可翻转吸声结构,从而使房间混响时间可调,能满足多方面演播需要。
- To achieve optimum acousticcondition for various functions, adjustable reverberation time devicecontrolled by computer is installed in the hall. 为使各项功能均具有最佳的声学条件,设置了用计算机调控混响时间的装置。
- In this paper, based on acoustical finite element method (FEM) model, a new method for calculating reverberation time in small enclosures is presented. 文中基于封闭空间内声有限元模型,提出了一种计算小尺度封闭空间内任意位置混响时间的方法。
- The comparison shows that the new method is more effective and accurate than Sabine's equation in calculating reverberation time of small enclosures. 在算例部分,计算了一矩形封闭空间内的混响时间,通过与实验结果进行比较,验证了这一方法的正确性。
- The acoustical design of stereophonic cinema should not only satisfy the best reverberation time T60 but also reach the evaluation standard of ISO2969. 立体声电影院的音质设计,不仅应满足最佳混响时间T60的要求,而且要达到ISO2969的评价标准。
- Experimental results of an ocean reverberation show that the SVM method is more effective than RBF and suitable to predict the reverberation time series. 采用海上实验混响数据进行预测,处理结果表明,支持向量机的方法优于RBF神经网络的方法,对混响时间序列有很好的预测效果。
- But the early lateral reflective sound is an important parameter independent of reverberation time, and has a vital role to play in the acoustics design. 但是,早期侧向反射声是一个独立于混响时间的参量,其在音质设计过程中能发挥重要作用的参量。
- The relationship between the reverberation time of the lager-scale symphony concert hall and the indoor one and the musical style is discussed, and some suggestions are given. 讨论了大型交响乐音乐厅和室内音乐厅的混响时间与演奏乐曲风格的关系,并给出建议,以备参考。
- The fixed quantity guideline of the timbre is given by testing the empty yard reverberation time and calculating the full yard reverberation time of the odeum in the Xiaogan college. 本文通过对孝感学院音乐演播厅混响时间、声压级分布及背景噪声等客观质量的测试,给出了定量的音质评价。
- The deviated evaluation caused by either the low signal-to-noise ratio or the careless choice of the integration limit is avoided, and a precisive reverberation time evaluation is achieved. 克服了脉冲响应积分法测量混响时间中,由于较低的脉冲响应信噪比或积分上限选择的不当所产生的估值偏差。
- It is revealed that acoustic quality is an important consideration in these buildings, and it may vary considerably with the same objective acoustic indices such as sound pressure level and reverberation time. 分析表明了声品质在这类非声学建筑中的重要性, 另外, 即使客观指标例如声压级和混响时间相同, 声舒适度亦可能完全不同。
- However, we often get masked sound resulting from focused reflections, dissect reflections, flutter echoes, and too long reverberation time resulting from too voluminous competing-hall. 但由于这种体育馆的比赛大厅容积较大,平均自由程较长,混响时间过长,所以声音极其模糊,引起声聚焦、回声、多重回声等音质缺陷的机会非常多。
- According to the sound field design theory described by Yoichi Ando (1980), the determining factor of an ideal reverberation time length lies in the effective delay of autocorrelation function ( e). 因此,本研究选择以不同的音乐样本进行实验分析,探讨声源之空间感知是否因乐曲之改变而有明显之差异。
- Code for measurement of reverberation time in hall 厅堂混响时间测量规范
- calculation formula of reverberation time 混响时间