- The parameters in the restoring force model corresponding to the design parameters of SRC member and structure are also determined. 建立了型钢砼结构(空腹式)的光滑恢复力模型参数与结构设计参数的关系;
- Then on the basis of experiment, a restoring force model of reversal skeleton curve of SRC wall was built, and this model can be used in nonlinear seismic analysis of SRC structures. 在试验的基础上,本文建立了型钢混凝土剪力墙恢复力骨架曲线的数学模型,为分析高层结构的非线性地震反应分析提供了基础数据。
- multi-dimensional restoring force model 恢复力模型
- differential hysteretic restoring force model 微分型滞回恢复力模型
- hysteresis restoring force model 恢复力模型
- Study on restoring force model of a lead rubber bearing 铅芯叠层橡胶支座恢复力模型研究
- Study on restoring force model of friction pendulum isolator 摩擦摆支座恢复力模型研究
- Studies on restoring force model of frame joint in steel high strength concrete 钢骨高强混凝土框架节点恢复力模型的研究
- Research of restoring force model on steel-concrete composite continuous beams 钢-混凝土连续组合梁的恢复力模型
- Study on Restoring Force Model of Lattice Type Steel Reinforced Concrete Columns 空腹式劲性钢筋混凝土柱的恢复力模型研究
- Force Model of Large Sized Rolling. 大型卷板机的力学模型。
- restoring force model 恢复力模型
- Research on restoring force models of frame columns with ultra-limited axial compression ratio 轴压比超限时框架柱的恢复力模型研究
- The superstructure and rubber isolator are considered as linearly elastic, while the model of restoring force of the damper is bi-linear. 文中采用的地震波为过滤高斯白噪声,上部结构及叠层橡胶隔震器为线弹性,铅阻尼器为双线性恢复力模型。
- The tested results are much identical with the numerically simulated results, and this proves the accuracy of the model of restoring force of the SMA damper. 通过振动台模型试验,验证了SMA阻尼器卓越的阻尼性能以及对大跨斜拉桥地震反应的控制效果,且试验结果与数值仿真结果吻合较好,进一步验证了SMA阻尼器恢复力模型的正确性。
- Analyses show that this model can describe the effect of nonlinear dynamic stiffness and the damping of the coupling on the nonlinear hysteretic restoring force very well. 分析表明,该数学模型能很好地描述联轴器的非线性动刚度和阻尼等动态特性对迟滞恢复力的影响,为深入研究船舶推进轴系的振动特性提供了联轴器的数学模型。
- The restoring force in a vibrating flexible membrane arises from the tension with which it is stretched. 柔性膜振动时的回复力起因于使膜绷紧的张力。
- Kx Restoring force: Force that make the oscillator return to the balance position. 简谐运动的规律:回复力:使振子返回平衡位置的力。
- The nonlinear restoring force is expressed into both parts of the linear mainbody and the nonlinear auxiliary. 将系统的非线性恢复力表示为线性主部和非线性辅部;