- residually stressed plate 残余应力平板
- Residual stress is the main factor affecting the flatness of plate. 残余应力是影响矫后中厚板平直度的主要因素。
- The existence of residual stress and brace plate in a fillet welded joint has obvious effects on CADC and fatigue life. 残余应力及角接接头中支板的存在对裂纹形态发展曲线和疲劳寿命有明显的影响
- The distribution of residual stress of weld joints is analyzed. 并分析了焊接接头残余应力的分布规律。
- Laser peening forming is a novel technology,which employes the residual stress induced by high-power repetition laser to form plate. 分析了弹性预加载下激光喷丸成形的机制,并通过试验研究了板料在弹性预加载下激光喷丸成形的特性。
- Measurement of residual stress in multitrack laser-clad coating[J]. 引用该论文 胡木林;谢长生;黄开金.
- The welding residual stress of the welded plate was predicted after it cooled down.The results of prediction and actual measured were contra... 最后,对冷却后的平板残余应力进行了预测,并将有限元计算结果与残余应力的实测结果进行了对比,两者吻合很好。
- This method is also applicable to solving contact stress and residual stress. 该方法同样适用于解决接触应力和残余应力问题。
- After some steam stimulations,high residual stress is accumulated in casing. 经过几轮蒸汽吞吐,套管上会积累较高的残余应力。
- Considerable residual stresses exist in the normal direction. 在其厚度方向存在着可观的残余应力。
- In this paper the effect of strength matching of welded joint on welding residual stress distribution in plate welded joints was studied by an thermal elasto-plastic finite element method. 采用热弹塑性有限元方法,对平板对接接头中焊缝金属强度组配对焊接残余应力分布的影响进行了研究。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- It can also take care of some plate girder defections, such as residual stresses and initial bending. 它还可以考虑梁的初始缺陷,如残余应力和初弯曲。
- One of main reason for producing SCC in cladding plate weldments is the role of tensile residual stresses. 复板焊接结构出现应力腐蚀开裂的主要原因之一是拉伸残余应力的作用。
- The inhomogeneous distribution of residual stresses in rolled strip is the critical cause of bad plate shape. 摘要残余应力的不均匀分布是影响板形的根本原因。
- Compressive residual stress are the main factor in the increase of torsion fatigue limit. 喷丸后扭转疲劳极限提高的主要原因是残余压应力的作用。
- The process of vibratory stress relief(VSR) is discussed to reduce the residual stresses after welding of stainless steel plate. 为了消除超大不锈钢焊接底板的残余应力,研究了采用振动时效(VSR)的方法消除焊接残余应力。
- A common method of creating a beneficial residual stress pattern is by peening the surface. 一个产生有盖的残余应力模型的常用方法是向材料表面喷丸。
- Residual stresses are present in the component before heat treatment. 热处理前部件中存在残余应力。
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。,在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。