- Many Asians work in the Arab oil states. 许多亚洲人在阿拉伯产油国工作。
- remained oil states 剩余油形态
- The oil states of Nigeria, Angola and Equatorial Guinea did very badly. 尼日利亚,安哥拉,赤道几内亚等石油国家做得非常之差。
- The extreme case of favorable physical resource endowments is, of course, the Persian Gulf oil states. 有幸得到天赋物质资源好处的极端例子自然是波斯湾各产油国了。
- Saute the cucumber and peanut with the remained oil in wok. Add a little water and saute over high heat. 以镬中馀油炒黄瓜和花生,加少量清水,以猛火快炒。
- Microcosmic experiments show that remained oil is distributed in tiny pore as speckles and tiny drops after cross-linked polymer flooding. 摘要微观驱油试验表明,交联聚合物驱后剩余油进一步减少,主要以斑块状、小油滴状等形态分布于微孔隙中;
- After steam huff and puff in poor-quality heavy oil reservoir in Henan oilfield, recovery factor is around 15%.A large amount of remained oil has been not produced. 摘要河南油田浅、薄层低品位稠油注蒸汽吞吐后,采收率只有15%25左右,大量的剩馀油资源尚未得到有效动用。
- Analysts say such estimates may well be overblown, but such a projection could still hurt future investment in crude production capacity in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf oil states. 分析人士说,这样的估计很有可能过高,但这种预测,仍有可能挫伤沙特阿拉伯和其他海湾石油国家未来在原油产能方面的投资。
- America's quick eviction of his army from the tiny oil state after only 100 hours of ground fighting looked at the time like a triumph. 美国在陆地上斗争了100小时后迅速从这个弹丸石油小国撤兵,在那时看来的确像是获胜了。
- Oil state absorption of several membranes with different oil affinity were investigated experimentally, based on the mechanism of oil absorptive fouling and related factors. 本文以油粒在微滤膜上吸附性污染的机理及影响因素为基本依据,实验测定了亲油或亲水性不同的几种微滤膜的静态吸附量。
- Dab the remaining oil from your fingers onto your third eye and on your breast bone [heart chakra]. Then state your intent or the purpose of the candle. 轻敷油,把油抹在你的手指之上你的第三眼睛和在你的胸骨处[心脏查卡拉]。然后表明你的意图或蜡烛的目的。
- It analyzed the producing state of the oil reserves and distribution of the remaining oil in the horizontal and vertical position,determined 5 main types of remaining oil distr... 中国石油化工股份有限公司中原油田分公司勘探开发科学研究院北京;
- The crew remained free from scurvy. 那些船员仍然没有患坏血病之虞。
- Methods to Remove Remained Oil from Aluminium Foil 消除铝箔表面残油的措施
- Heat the remaining oil in a Dutch oven or heavy casserole and add parsley, onions and garlic. 把剩下的油放在荷兰锅或者厚砂锅里,加入欧芹,洋葱和蒜。
- Only the embers of the bonfire remained. 那篝火只有余烬尚存。
- Origination of fingering and remaining oil as well as their influnce on recovery percent are analyzed. 分析了指进、剩余油形成规律及对采出程度的影响。
- Her face remained expressionless. 她的脸上仍然没有表情。
- With the increasing of the wettability of the reservoir, the remaining oil saturation decreases slowly. 随着储层润湿性的增强,剩余油饱和度降低的速度减慢。
- Our enthusiasm remained unabated. 我们的热情一如既往。