- Has this got red stripes in it ? 这种牙膏上有红道道吗?
- He does not want toothpaste with red stripe in it. 他不想要带红道的牙膏。
- Mine is the car with the red stripe. 我的车是有红色条纹的那辆。
- He does not want toothpaste with red stripes in it . 他不想要带红道的牙膏。
- The red stripe stands for courage, the blue for ideals. 红色条纹代表勇气、蓝色条纹代表理想;
- It's different how it bulges out on the top and has a red stripe across it. 顶部的凸起和红色的条纹使他与众不同。
- Have this get red stripe in it? 这种牙膏上有红道道吗?
- The colours of the sails were dark red,or with vertical white and red stripes or white and green or completely black. 帆的颜色是暗红色,或垂直白色和红色的条纹,或白色和绿色,或完全黑色。
- Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill, Africa's largest monkey species. 只要想想雄性大狒狒愁眉不展的面孔上的红色条纹就很理解吧,可是非洲最大的猿类动物。
- Just think of the red stripes on the face of the male mandrill, Africa's largest monkey species. 山魈(非洲最大的灵长类动物)的脸上长着一块红色的标记,就是一个很好的例子。
- Answer: Fifty stars , one for each state in the Union: and thirteen stripes , one for each of the original thirteen states. There are seven red stripes and six white stripes. 答:五十颗星;每一颗代表联邦的一个州;十三条横条;每一条代表最初开国的十三个州.;它们是七条红条及六条白条
- Cardinal tetras are similar to Neon tetras in their requirements, but display a brilliant red stripe from eye to tail. 红莲灯和霓红灯在需求上非常相似,但是前者从眼部到尾部有一条明艳的红色条纹。
- Other suitable stones: Rose Quartz, Sea Sapphire, calcite, red tourmaline, moon stone, Argentina red stripes, agate, amethyst, citrine, opal. 其它适合宝石:粉晶、海蓝宝、方解石、红碧玺、月亮石、阿根庭红纹、玛瑙、紫水晶、茶晶、蛋白石。
- Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill, Africa's largest monkey species.But red is not exclusively a male trait. 只要想想雄性大狒狒愁眉不展的面孔上的红色条纹就很轻易理解吧,它们可是非洲最大的猿类动物。
- Then Our Lady plucked a little white flower with red stripes, called field bindweed, which looks very like a glass, and gave it to the waggoner. 于是圣母摘下了一朵带红条的小白花,给了马车夫,这花叫野旋花,很像一只玻璃杯。
- Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill , Africa's largest monkey species.But red is not exclusively a male trait. 只要想想雄性大狒狒愁眉不展的面孔上的红色条纹就很容易理解吧,它们可是非洲最大的猿类动物。
- Xiongniao eyes at the top with red stripes, black stripe near the abdomen brown. 雄鸟眼后上方具红色条纹,近黑色条纹的腹部棕黄色。
- Make sure the side of the cable with the red stripe on it is plugged into pin 1 side of the IDE connector. ide装置排线上有红色边的一侧为第一脚位所在,连接时请注意是否已对准。
- Looking for a place to unwind with an ice cold red stripe or real Jamaican Coffee and have dinner on an outdoor patio setting? 想找个地方休息一下,喝点清凉的吗?在凉爽的户外凉亭享受牙买加特制咖啡和牙买加料理听起来如何?
- The red stripe on Swaziland's flag symbolizes past battles the country has fought, and the two blue stripes symbolize peace. 史瓦济兰国旗上的红色横条代表过去曾发生的战争,两条蓝色的条纹则象徵和平。