- Aren't we in the midst of a Party rectification movement? 不是在整党吗?
- During the rectification movement only a few Party members will be subjected to organizational sanctions. 整党中需要作组织处理的,在全党,只是很少数。
- This will be another important demonstration that the rectification movement is not being conducted in a perfunctory way. 这是整党不走过场的又一个重要标志。
- Anyone who has examined his own work will surely realize the need for the rectification movement. 凡是反省了一下自己工作的人,一定会懂得我们不整风是不行的。
- Now,the first point: the rectification movement must not be conducted in a perfunctory way. 第一个问题:整党不能走过场。
- Since the rectification movement is so important,why have we failed to practise it over the past year and a half? 整风既然这样重要,为什么一年半的时间,我们还没有整起来呢?
- Now, the first point: the rectification movement must not be conducted in a perfunctory way. 第一个问题:整党不能走过常
- The rectification movement should serve to consolidate Party organizations and bring about a fundamental improvement in the Party's style of work. 要通过整党,加强党的建设,实现党风的根本好转。