- receivables turnover period [经] 应收帐款周转期
- We are hoping that you can give us a few more days, because we need a turnover period. 希望您能再宽限几天,我们需要周转期。
- The receivable turnover in days expresses in how many days the account receivables were collected during the past year. 应收账款周转天数表达了过去年度里应收账款是多长时间收回的。
- E.g. accounts receivable turnover, inventory turnover, total assets turnover. 资产运营指标衡量企业运用资产的效率。
- Because the exploitation of real estate needs large capital and long turnover period, the advance booking is gradually taken as an effective method for raising funds by real estate exploiter. 由于房地产开发需要的资金大,且周转时间长,使得商品房预售成为房地产开发商有效筹措资金的方法。
- Taxpayer: what can we do if we receive turnover in the form of foreign currency? 纳税人:收款是外币怎么办?
- Similar to receivable turnover, the inventory turnover also tells us the speed of fund turnover and the liquidity. 同应收账款周转率相类似,存货周转率也会告诉我们资金的周转速度和流动性。
- The commonly used turnover ratios are receivable turnover, inventory turnover, and other relative indicators. 常用的周转率指标主要是应收账款周转率、存货周转率和其他有关的指标。
- The figures of receivable turnover and receivable turnover in days show that the speed of receivable turnover has slowed down from 1997 to 1998, Solarwind Corporation's collection days of receivables have been notably prolonged. 应收账款周转率和周转天数表明,太阳风公司的应收账款周转速度从1997年到1998年是下降了的,周转天数是加长了的。
- The computation of operating cycle is based on the receivable turnover and the inventory turnover. 营业周期的计算是以应收账款周转率和存货周转率为基础的。
- Receivable Turnover Ratio An accounting measure used to quantify a firm's effectiveness in extending credit and success in collection of debts. 应收账款周转率计算公司发出信贷及回收债务效率的会计指标。
- Another indicator related to receivable turnover is the receivable turnover in days, or called average collection days, which is a variation of receivable turnover. 与应收账款周转率相联系的另一个指标是应收账款周转天数,或者说是应收账款平均收账期。
- Some popular financial ratios used for evaluating liquidity and short-term debt-paying ability are current ratio, quick ratio, cash ratio, receivable turnover, inventory turnover, operating cycle, operating cash flows and current debts ratio. 一些常用于评价流动性和短期偿债能力的财务比率指标是流动比率、速动比率、现金比率、应收账款周转率、存货周转率、营业周期、营业现金流量与当期债务之比。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。
- Days in Years/Accounts Receivable Turnover 每年天数/应收账款周转率
- Average accounts receivable turnover ratio; 平均应收账款周转率;
- Days in Years;Accounts Receivable turnover 每年天数;应收账款周转率
- Childhood is a period of rapid growth. 幼年是生长迅速的时期。