- quantrm superposition 量子叠加
- It is made up of a superposition of harmonics. 它的谱由一组线条组成。
- The principle of superposition does not apply to nonlinear systems. 迭加原理不适用于非线性系统。
- A superposition compound is composed of two uniform substantive morpheme. 由一个实语素和一个虚语素结合,构成附加式合成词。
- The real dike pattern can be approximately duplicated theoretically by the superposition of two very simple stress fields. 实际岩脉式从理论上可以通过两个最简单的应力场的叠加复现。
- The periodic variation in amplitude of a wave produced by the superposition of two waves of different frequencies. 波震动由两种不同频率的波叠加在一起而产生的波在某一区域内的周期振动
- Analyses the characteristics of transmission, natural attenuation, regeneration and superposition of noise. 分析了空调系统噪声的传递、自然衰减、再生和叠加特性。
- The geoisotherms around a gallery can be explained as a superposition of the original temperature field. 一个坑道周围的等温线可以理解为原始温度场的叠加。
- It shows that the collection is superposition of Raman and photoluminescence spectrum. 结果表明,所采集到的是拉曼光谱和光致发光光谱的叠加。
- Thin lines are used to draw the outlines of superposition cuts. When it overlaps the outlines of the view, the outlines must be drawn completely. 其轮廓线用细实线绘制,当视图中的轮廓线与重合断面轮廓线重叠时,视图中的轮廓线仍然应连续画出不可间断。
- The idea that the resultant effect is the sum of the separate effects is known as the principle of superposition. 总的作用力是各部作用力的总和,这一概念叫做叠加原理。
- The answer is very simple: never suppress a dependent source in a superposition problem. 回答很简单:在迭加问题中,非独立源永远不要去掉。
- As the two cases give identical results we believe that superposition holds for electron waves also. 由于上述两种情况给出完全同样的结果,我们相信叠加原理对于电子波也能适用。
- A qubit can be not just 0 or 1 but also a superposition of the two, in which proportions of zero-ness and one-ness are combined in a single state. 一个量子位元不会只是0或1,而是两种状态的叠加,也就是0的状态和1的状态会合并成一个状态。
- A superposition cut is used to describe a cross section of a part by revolving it around an axis of revolution and placing it on the views on the axis. 在不影响图形清晰的条件下,断面也可按投影关系画在视图内,画在视图内的断面图称为重合断面图(简称重合断面)。
- Although we may analyze a continuous beam by several methods, only the method of superposition is practical. 虽然我们可以用几种方法来分析连续梁,但是只有迭加法是切实可行的。
- The superposition algorithm operates on surfaces derived from multi-slice or volume datasets. 这种叠加运算是在一些平面上进行地,这些平面来源于由多个扫描层面或大量影像数据。
- Period superposition forecasting model is a practical method in mid-to-long-term hydrological forecasting. 摘要周期迭加预报是中长期水文预报的一种实用模型。
- By using stored logic, a hardware method is implemented for sine wave generation by superposition of 18 step pulses. 该方案用存储逻辑实现18脉冲阶梯波STATCOM脉冲发生器的硬件。