- put something out of sight 把某物藏起来
- The oil tanker soon got out of sight. 油船不久就看不见了。
- I stood there until the car was out of sight. 我在那站着直到看不见那辆车。
- put something out of someone's head 使某人不想某事
- The ship went down and at last went out of sight. 船在下沉,最后消失不见了。
- The thief whip round the corner and out of sight. 那个贼一溜烟儿转过街角就看不见了。
- The train was soon out of sight. 那火车很快就看不见了。
- His new sports car is really out of sight. 他的新跑车实在太棒了。
- The plane flew upwards and out of sight. 飞机向上飞去,随即看不见了。
- That birthday gift was really out of sight. 那件生日礼物实在是太棒了。
- The thief whipped round the corner and out of sight. 那个贼一溜烟儿转过街角就看不见了。
- The end is still unhappy. Out of sight, out of mind, I say. 结局仍然很不美满,我说眼不见心不烦。
- You can't make something out of nothing. 巧妇难为无米之炊。
- Don't brag until you've got something out of them. 等到你能让他们拿点钱出来再自鸣得意吧。
- Put the presents out of sight so we can surprise her. 把礼物藏起来,我们给她个惊喜。
- You can not make something out of nothing. 巧妇难为无米之炊。
- The sunlit grove was like something out of Grimm. 这个洒满阳光的小树林,简直和《格林童话》里的仙境一般。
- The house was out of sight behind a wall. 房子被墙遮住看不见了。
- Something out of date or old fashioned. 过时或不时髦的事物,老掉牙的事物。
- Sounds like you want to get something out of me. 这一句也可以改为