- pulsus irregularis perpetuus 心房颤动脉
- Lee Yc. Concomitant pulsus and U wavealtornans after head tranma[J]. Am J Cardiol 1985,55:851. 张永庆.;持续性心房静止伴右束支阻滞型室性自搏心律和U波电交替1例[J]
- Pulsus is developing various SoC(System-on-Chip) solutions for next generation AV systems that will be a heart of "Digital Home. PULSUS正在发展的各种数字功放SOC(片上系统)将是未来数字电子产品,数字应用的核心及动力之源。
- Urocystis irregularis on Aconitum carmichaelii and Sorosporium pamparum on Pennisetum flacidum.The description of symptom and pathogen of them were given. 对每个病害发生的症状、病原形态及分布进行了描述。
- Currently, digital amplifier solution of Pulsus powers home-theater products of major OEM’s such as Sony, LG, Samsung, Toshiba, Kenwood Denon, Onkyo and RCA. 目前,主要的家庭影院OEM厂商,像Sony,LG,Samsung, Toshiba, Kenwood, Denon, Onkyo and RCA都已经在广泛使用PULSUS的数字功放方案了。
- Monitor for pulsus paradoxus. 监测反关脉。
- True,the child was malnourished but that could not explain certain findings in relation to the CS, namely engorged neck eins. massie cardiomegaly,muffled heart sounds and pulsus paradoxus. 当然,该患儿是存在营养不良,但不能很好的解释心衰(颈静脉怒张、心脏扩大、心音低钝及奇脉)。
- pulsus respiratione intermittens 呼吸性间歇脉
- Coleochaete irregularis var. minor n. 不整鞘毛藻小型变种
- Dicranopteris ampla f. irregularis 参差大芒萁
- Coleochaete irregularis var. irregularis n. 不整鞘毛藻原变种
- Pulsus alternans (consistent alternation in pulse pressure amplitude despite regular rhythm) 交替脉(节律规则,脉压振幅交替一致)
- Pulsus paradoxus (larger than normal decrease in systolic arterial pressure during inspiration) 奇脉(吸气时收缩期动脉压下降大于正常)
- Keywords echocardiography;chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;respiration;blood flow velocity;diastolic function;pulsus paradoxus; 超声心动描记术;慢性阻塞性肺疾病;呼吸;血流速度;左室舒张功能;奇脉;
- Shiomi QT,Guilleminault C,Stoohs R,et al.Leftward shift of the interventricular septum and pulsus paradoxus in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.Chest,1991(10) ; 100:894 309[喻莜红;柳端今;张盛忠.;睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者腭咽软组织病理改变
- Hadena irregularis n. 杂盗夜蛾
- Leucania irregularis n. 差粘夜蛾
- Spilarctia irregularis n. 昏斑污灯蛾
- Cypassis irregularis n. 不规则腰带虫
- Alveopora irregularis n. 不规则穴孔珊瑚