- pulled behind combine 牵引式联合收获机
- A wrestling hold in which the opponent's arm is pulled behind the back and twisted upward. 锁臂摔跤的一种握法,把对手的一支胳膊压在他的背后并向上弯起
- Some campers have trailers which they drive or pull behind their cars to the camp sites. 有些露营者驾驶旅行拖车,或把它挂在车后奔赴露营地。
- A wrestling hold inwhich the opponent's arm is pulled behind the back and twisted upward. 锁臂摔跤的一种握法,把对手的一支胳膊压在他的背后并向上弯起。
- When you make a split decision about which line of cars to pull behind at a tollbooth or which line of carts to stand behind at the grocery store, chances are some other line will move more quickly. 当你左右为难,很难决定把车开到哪一排道路收费站台队伍后面,或将购物车推到哪列收费台队伍后面的时候,又有另外的队肯能前进更快。
- Lockstitch cylinder bed with a synchronous puller behind the needle, which continuously operates up and down. 锁式线迹悬臂,机针背后同步连续输送上、下拖辘。
- Lockstitch cylinder bed with a synchronous puller behind the needle, which continuously operates updown. 锁式线迹悬臂,机针背后同步连续输送上、下拖辘。
- He pulled a red sweater on over his shirt. 他在衬衣外面套上了一件红色毛衣。
- If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. 如果我们能渡过这段经济不景气的时间,我们就会好多了。
- The car pulled out to overtake the lorry. 小汽车开出车道去超那辆卡车。
- A car suddenly pulled out in front of me. 一辆汽车突然横冲到我面前。
- For a while, the darkling star disappeared behind thick clouds. 隐约出现的星星暂时消失在厚厚的云层後面了。
- The train pulled in and all the passengers got off. 火车进站了,所有的乘客都下了车。
- Joe tried to pull the heavy cart, but to no avail. 乔想拉那部笨重的大车,但是拉不动。
- Illness kept the boy behind in his school work. 那个男孩因生病而功课落后了。
- He pulled a wad of 10 notes out of his pocket. 他从衣袋里掏出一沓面额10英镑的钱。
- The castle was hidden behind a curtain of smoke. 城堡被一层烟雾遮掩着。
- She delved in her bag and pulled out a pen. 她在提包里翻找,拿出一枝钢笔。
- Keep the sun behind you when you take a photo. 拍照时要让太阳留在你的身后。
- I was given gas when they pulled my tooth out. 给我拔牙时用了一氧化二氮。