- bond investment trust 债券投资信托
- Analysis of Commercial Bank's Bond Investment? 商业银行的债券投资:盛筵还是鸡肋?
- Heritage Property Investment Trust Inc. 继承房地产投资信托公司。
- Japan Investment Trust Management Co. 日本投资信托管理公司。
- Provide all necessary support to the Housing Authority to relaunch the Initial Public Offering of The Link Real Estate Investment Trust. 提供一切所需支援,协助房屋委员会安排领汇房地产投资信托基金重新上市。
- Because we shouldn’t just trust rating agencies to decide for us what the real risks of a bond investment are, investors need to proactively look into the credit risk of a bond before buying it. 因为我们没必要仅仅相信信用等级评分机构从而确认投资证券的真实风险是什么,投资者需要在购买之前切实弄清证券信用风险。
- The name and term of the securities investment trust fund. 二证券投资信?基金之名称及其存续期间。
- Everyone knows that you have bought investment trust for the short haul. 大家都知道你买了投资信托公司的短期股票。
- Integrate investment within the general budget and national bond investment. 整合预算内投资和国债投资,强化节能投资力度。
- Qingdao Public Bonded Warehouse Co., Ltd. 青岛市公共保税仓库有限公司。
- The Swiss Foreign Bond market requires detailed prospectuses that meet Swiss legal requirement regarding public bond issues. 瑞士外国债券市场,要求有详尽的说明书以满足该国对公共债券发行的法律要求。
- The first recorded public bond is dated January 1150 when the municipality raised 400 lire by granting to investors the tax revenue raised from stallholders in the marketplace. 第一个有记录的公共债券起源于1150年的1月,当局以市场中商贩们的税收为抵押,从投资者那里筹集了400里拉。
- A fixed income bond investor has to understand these two concepts. 上述两个概念对债券投资者来说是非常重要的。
- On a global scale, the vast syndicated-loan market, including leveraged finance and more senior debt, is also growing more swiftly than public bond and share markets. 在全球范围内,包括杠杆融资和更高级的债务的巨大的辛迪加贷款市场,也在比公众债券和股票市场的发展显得更为迅速。
- Total Return :Return on a bond investment including appreciation and dividends. 总收益:债券投资的收益,包括增值和红利。
- The origins of the real estate investment trust, or REIT (pronounced "reet") date back to the 1880s. 不动产投资信托或叫REIT的起源要追溯到1880年。
- Unlike stock and bond investment companies, REITs were unable to secure legislation to overturn the 1930 decision until 30 years later. 不像股票和债券投资公司,REIT当时没有能力通过立法推翻1930年的决定,直到30年以后。
- Taking the public bonded warehouse and modern information system as the flat. 公司以公共保税仓库和现代化信息系统为平台,开展国际物流等业务。
- So the key to the globalisation of the property market has been the growth of the REIT, or real-estate investment trust. 所以地产市场全球化的关键在于REIT(或称之不动产投资信托)的成长。