- Follow up account receivable in accorandce with project process. 根据项目进程负责项目的款项回收。
- On the Visual Studio Help menu, the Team Project Process Guidance command. Visual Studio“帮助”菜单上的“团队项目过程指南”命令。
- Familiarizing production technique and project process for cable harness. 熟悉线缆或线束产品的生产工艺及项目流程。
- BEC has an excellent in-house DTP team and rigorous project process for DTP production. BEC拥有优秀的全职DTP团队以及严格的DTP项目流程。
- Then audit the project process depend on project contract, work instruction, QMS documentations. 一当立项就是对市场需求负责,所以不能延期!
- Document and obtain appropriate approvals for exceptions to the Project Process Plan and Project Process Procedures. 为项目进程计划和项目程序规定之外的特例情况提供文件证明,并获得相应的批准。
- Balance rigor with agility when defining project processes. 当定义项目过程时,要平衡灵活性和准确性。
- You can apply TFP within almost any project context, whether or not the organization or project process dictates its use. 您可以在几乎任何项目环境中应用TFP,不论组织或项目流程中是否指出要使用它。
- The goal of this article series is to provide tools and assistance that you can use with your chosen Web development project process. 这一系列文章旨在提供一些工具和指导来帮助您完成所选择的Web开发项目流程。
- It has introduced the statistics into the measurment of software process, which can make the software project process controllable and measuable. 摘要将统计过程引入到了度量软件过程当中,可使得软件过程具有可控性和可测性。
- Above 2 years experience with cable and cable harness, Familiarizing production technique and project process for cable harness. 2年以上线缆或线束生产系统工作经历,熟悉线缆或线束产品的生产工艺及项目流程。
- In the future articles, we will follow the project process to define the scope, and then design the portal leading toward implementation, and finally -go live. 在后续的文章中,我们将沿着项目流程定义范围,设置门户,直到最后实现和发布门户。
- The project is not finished but is till in process. 该项工程尚未结束,仍在进行之中。
- This is part one of a series of articles that will endeavour to define the astral world and the projection process. 这是描述星体世界和投射过程系列论文的第一部分。
- The Monitor and Control Project Work process is performed to monitor project processes associated with initiating,planning,executing,and closing. 监视和控制项目工作过程是监视和控制启动、规划、执行和结束项目所需的各个过程。
- The client says that your company has good project processes, and project controls unnecessarily inflate your costs. 客户说你的公司有良好的项目程序,项目控制不见得会增加你的费用。
- The review of work products associated with key milestones to confirm quality and effective project processes. 与关键里程碑关联的工作产品评审,以确认高质量并且有效的项目过程。
- During the project processing lead to communicate, organize, solve the technical problem, and smoothly make the progress and complete the project. 在项目实施过程中能良好地协调、组织,及时解决项目中出现的各类技术问题,推动项目稳步地进行。
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。
- He ventured on an ambitious project. 他冒险从事一项富有雄心的计画。