- Production order, workshop order for under production. 生产指令,车间正在执行生产指令。
- Obey assembly supervisor's management to finish production order on time. 服从装配主管的管理,按时完成生产任务。
- Obey grind supervisor's management to finish production order on time. 服从磨削主管的管理,按时完成生产任务。
- Can we fulfil this customer order by new production orders? 是否可以归为新的生产订单?
- Joanna Wood is talking to David about the insurance of a product order. 乔安娜?德正在和大卫讨论一个产品订单的保险事宜。
- Online product ordering for customers. 针对客户的在线产品订购。
- When each step is completed, the production order reflects this by a change in the production status. 当每一个步骤完成时,生产订单会反映出生产状态在这一步的变化。
- The input/output stock transactions, like those of a production order, are stock moves. 存货的收发,如生产订单,+存货的收发,以及生产经营活动,导致存货的变动。
- To attach the formulation and samples with Production order and check consilient before adding. 备料配方及来样与生产单附在一起,加料前核对颜料及配方与生产单的一致。
- Job descriptions:1.Schedule daily &monthly production build plan;2.Release production order &track MFG execution statu...... ... 公司名称:安费诺科技(深圳)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-7-10
- Situation: Helen Parker is talking to Harold, a customer, about the insurance of a product order. 情境:海伦派克正和客户哈洛德讨论订单的保险事宜。
- Be responsible for transferring planned order to production order and purchase requisition according to the project requirement in SAP. 在SAP中,合理地把自制件从计划订单转到生产订单,把采购件从计划订单转成采购需求。
- Zharan Corduroy and T / C Deng Xinrong, such as textile production orders. 扎染灯芯绒及T/C灯心绒等纺织品生产定单。
- Safeguard the normal production order of the enterprises, and protect from infringement the state property operated and managed by the enterprises; and. 维护企业正常的生产秩序,保护企业经营管理的国家财产不受侵犯。
- And can accept the customer special specification model product order form to manufacture and process, Welcome broad customers relate and discuss. 并可接受客户特殊规格型号产品的定单制作加工,欢迎广大客户联系洽谈。
- Product orders should be coded according to where they will be shipped. 产品定单应按产品发往地编码。
- The input/output stock transactions, like those of a production order, are stock moves. The input/output stock transactions, like those of a production order, are stock moves. 存货的收发,如生产订单,+存货的收发,以及生产经营活动,导至存货的变动。
- Quant An integer containing the number of products ordered. quant包含产品定购数量的整数。
- In the absence of emergency event experience lead production order rearranged, not only is the main occupation of the affected, to business can no longer timeframe. 在充足应差弁急变乱教训的环境下不常使得出产规律被打乱,不但主业施感化,递来的交易也无法按期按质达成。
- According to the optimal capacity and inventory, the performance indexes of RMS, such as Acceptance Rate of Product Order (ARPO) and Change Cycles (CC) were provided. 基于求得的最优生产能力与最佳开机数量,给出了可重构制造系统的订单接受率与切换周期等性能指标。