- Animal growth or product yield is the ultimate concern of the agriculturalist. 牲畜的生长或其产品的生产量是农学家最关心的问题。
- The effect of catalyst, epichlorohydrin and base on product yield was studied. 研究了催化剂用量、反应原料配比及?A用量对产物收率的影响。
- The results indicate that the product yield of perchloric acid reaches 80%. 实验结果表明,可以得到产率80%25以上的高氯酸。
- The flimsy-walled material has incured substaintial scraps and witnessed a product yield of only 3% so far. 由于原料壁薄,开始出现大量废品,到现在为止,合格率只为3%25。
- NMP has the advantages over phenol, such as throughput, product yield and quality, and energy consumption and enviromental protection as well. 该装置在加工能力、品收率、品质量、耗、保等主要技术经济指标上明显优于酚精制。
- The reslts showed that the IMR are more efficient than the FBR. Propene selectivity of up to 57.4% and product yield of 22.1% were obtained in the IMR. 结果表明 ;IMR优于 FBR;IMR的丙烯选择性为57.;4%25;丙烯收率为 2 2
- Test results showed that the decoking additive exhibited remarkable decoking and antifouling function, and the liquid product yield increased. 实验室评价结果表明:,所制备的抑焦剂具有显著的抗垢减焦增液作用。
- The influence of ammoniation reagent, catalyst, temperature mixing on the product yield was observed.The maxium yield of Nefidipine was 98%. 考察了氨化试剂,催化剂,温度对产物的影响,确定了最佳反应条件所得的尼群地平产率达到了98%25。
- With the mole ratio of p - toluic acid and uren to be 1: 1 .6 and sectionalization heated - shielded,the product yield is 75.6% . 当对甲苯甲酸与尿素的摩尔比为1:1.6,采用分段保温的加热方式,产品收率达75.6%25。
- NMP has the advantages over phenol,such as throughput,product yield and quality,and energy consumption and enviromental protection as well. 该装置在加工能力、产品收率、产品质量、能耗、环保等主要技术经济指标上明显优于酚精制。
- OBJECTIVE:To study the technique for preparation of Fosfosal and select the best reacting conditions to increase the product yield. 目的:研究磷柳酸的制备工艺,确定最佳工艺条件,提高产品收率。
- Objective: To study the technique for preparation of Fosfosal,to select the best reacting conditions,and to increase the product yield. 目的:研究磷柳酸的制备工艺,确定最佳工艺条件,提高产品收率。
- The influence of ammoniation reagent,catalyst,temperature mixing on the product yield was observed.The maxium yield of Nefidipine was 98%. 考察了氨化试剂,催化剂,温度对产物的影响,确定了最佳反应条件所得的尼群地平产率达到了98%25。
- The concepts of raw material utilization ratio,product yield ratio,product qualification ratio as well as the importance for the enterprise are discussed. 本文阐述了肉制品生产中原料利用率、产品出品率和产品合格率的概念及其在企业中的重要性。
- The results show that this solvent offers the advantages of lower solvent ratio, higher filtration rate and higher product yield as compared with conventional solv... 结果表明:与采用常规脱油溶剂相比,溶剂比降低,过滤速度和微晶蜡产品的收率提高,且微晶蜡的油质量分数达到小于1%25的食品级微晶蜡指标要求。
- The research results indicated the mushrooms with different cap diameter should be blanched for different time in order to obtain higher product yield and better product color. 研究结果表明 ;对不同菌盖直径的蘑菇应进行不同时间的热烫处理 ;能使速冻蘑菇获得较高的产品得率和较好的产品色泽 .
- The conversion, the utilization rate of raw materials and the product yield of esterification reactions are raised by applying the catalytic rectification process. 摘要催化精馏技术应用于酯化反应体系,提高了反应的转化率、原材料利用率和产品收率。
- The results of spiced beef process indicates that by controlling 2‰ of phosphate, added and 75% product yield, there could be of no limit exceeding and good quality product. 通过酱牛肉的加工试验表明:磷酸盐添加量在2‰、出品率控制在75%25左右可以既保证产品总磷残留不超标又有比较好的品质。
- The results showed that the rate of sidereaction was decreased and the product yield was significantly improved by adding a proper tardily releasing agent. 实验结果表明,缓释技术能够减缓连串副反应速率,大大提高产物二甲基乙醇胺的收率。
- With the improved technology, the product yield of chlorosulfonation reaction was improved evidently, and that, the amount of waste released was decreased. 改进后,氯磺化的收率明显提高,废弃物排放量减小。