- Handle export tax refund skillfully. 能够熟练操作出口退税;
- The Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Cease of Export Tax Refund to Such Primary Stee 上一篇文章:财政部、国家税务总局关于钢坯等钢铁初级产品停止执行出口退税的通知
- Circular of MOF, SAT, and PBC on the Issues concerning the Relevant Budget Management after the Adjustment of Export Tax Refund Bearing Mechanism 财政部、国家税务总局、中国人民银行关于出口退税负担机制调整后有关调库事项的通知
- Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Strictly Examining Export Tax Refund and Accelerating the Progress of Export Tax Refund [Effective] 国家税务总局关于严格出口退税审核、加快出口退税进度的通知[现行有效]
- The Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Cease of Export Tax Refund to Such Primary Steel Products as Bullet 财政部、国家税务总局关于钢坯等钢铁初级产品停止执行出口退税的通知
- Tariff refund for imported contents of export products, and value-added tax refund for export products. 出口产品中进口内容的退税,及出口产品增值税的退税
- In order to optimize the export tax refund system, we must study the international advanced experiences. 我们要完善出口退税制度,必然要对国际的先进经验进行研究,以资借鉴。
- The export credit capital will be ensured and increased and tax refund mechanisms perfected to promote the development of export. 我们主要是通过增加和保障对出口的信贷资金、完善和改进退税机制,来促进出口的发展。
- Circular of the General Administration of Customs on Improving the Work of Export Taxes Refund to Foster Export Trade 海关总署关于做好出口退税工作支持扩大外贸出口的通知
- Ministry of Commerce and State Taxation Administration issued notice to cancel the check procedure for tax refund (exemption) of exportation. 商务部、国税总局发出通知取消出口退(免)税稽核程序。
- Be responsible for the export tax refund process, do the annual income tax calculation and return together with account team. 负责出口退税流程,与会计部门共同进行年度所得税及退税的计算。
- The export credit capital will be ensured and increased. and tax refund mechanisms perfected to promote the development of export. 我们主要是通过增加和保障对出口的信贷资金、完善和改进退税机制,来促进出口的发展。
- The State may take import and export credit, export tax refund and other foreign trade promotion measures for the purpose of the development of foreign trade. 第三十四条国家采取进出口信贷、出口退税及其他对外贸易促进措施,发展对外贸易。
- Preparing account bookings, including material purchases, processing outside the plant, costing, inventories, sales, VAT, expenses, low-valued goods, Fixed Assets, AP, AR, and export tax refund, etc. 复核会计交易记录,包括公司材料采购,委托加工,成本,存货,销售,增值税,费用,低耗,固定资产,应付,应收,出口退税和其他帐务处理
- Article 4 Administrative punishments on a foreign trade enterprise gaining export tax refund by fraud shall include warning, suspension or revocation of foreign trade licensing, etc. 第四条对有出口骗税行为的外经贸企业的行政处罚包括给予警告、暂停或撤销对外贸易经营许可等形式。
- After that we could agree about the procedure of the meeting. 然后我们可以就会议的程序达成协议。
- The procedure of exporting germplasm should, therefore, be specific to the species. 出口种质的程序因此也应当详细精确地分门别类。
- The adjustment of export tax rebate rate will be the second quarter of the company and bring the future operating results are more beneficial effects. 此次出口退税税率的调整将对公司二季度及今后的经营业绩带来较为有益的影响。
- The adjustment of export tax rebate rate will be its second-quarter operating results and the future bring more beneficial impact. 此次出口退税税率的调整,将对公司第二季度及今后的经营业绩带来较为有益的影响。