- His manner of speaking reminded me forcibly of his father's. 他说话的方式强烈地使我想起他父亲的说话方式。
- Children were taken forcibly from their mothers. 孩子们被强行地从他们母亲身边夺走。
- Her ideas were forcibly expressed. 她的看法被有力地表达了出来。
- The proposals were put to us very briefly and forcibly. 这些建议已向我们作了传达,既简明扼要,又很有说服力。
- What can we do to prevent the disease spreading? 我们能做什么来防止这种疾病蔓延呢?
- The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud. 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。
- Does prison do anything to prevent crime? 采取关押方法对制止犯罪有作用吗?
- Dust the repair to prevent adhesion to outer cover. 清整修补处以防与外胎粘连。
- Stir the sauce to prevent it lumping. 把沙司搅拌一下以免结块。
- We should take steps to prevent war. 我们应当采取措施制止战争。
- He complained that he's been forcibly held by the police without good reason. 他抱怨说,他曾经被警察毫无道理地强行关押。
- Nobody can prevent him from running the risk. 没有人能够阻止他去冒险。
- Seal (up) the window to prevent draughts. 把窗户封起来以防风。
- Haste make work which caution prevent. 匆忙专干不谨慎的事。
- Nothing can prevent him from going. 什么都不能阻止他前往。
- Of course I can't prevent your going. 当然,我不能阻止你去。
- I was powerless to prevent the accident. 我无力阻止事故的发生。
- We have banked up the river to prevent flooding. 我们已沿河筑堤以防河水泛滥。
- The grounds are fenced in to prevent trespassing. 庭院用栅栏围著以防外人进去。
- Props were used to prevent the roof collapsing. 用了一些支柱以防止屋顶塌落。