- The poor woman went to work as usual. 那可怜的女人照常去上班。
- The poor woman's mind has been deranged for many years. 那个可怜的妇人精神错乱已经好多年了。
- The poor woman was buried in grief after her son died. 这个可怜的妇人在儿子死后一直沉浸在悲痛之中。
- He jockeyed the poor woman out of her savings. 他骗去了这可怜的妇人的储蓄。
- The poor woman is reduced to begging. 那个可怜的女人已沦为乞丐。
- Poor woman! This has gone to her heart. 可怜的女人!这使她很伤心。
- The poor woman asked for a handout. 那个穷女人向人乞讨施舍物。
- He wanted to make amends to the poor woman. 他想跟这个可怜的女人和解。
- The poor woman has been ill for a long time. 那可怜的妇人已经病了好久了。
- The poor woman is sighing her prayers. 可怜的妇人在悲叹着祈祷。
- The poor woman wailed for her lost child. 那可怜的妇人为她死去的孩子放声大哭。
- The prince descended to helping the poor woman. 王子屈尊帮助这个贫苦的妇女。
- The poor woman had to auction off all her jewelry. 这贫穷的女人必须拍卖掉她全部的珠宝。
- What did the poor woman say that made you lam into her like that? 那个可怜的妇女说了些什么使你那样地责骂她?
- The poor woman latched on to the little money she had left. 这个可怜的女人手里只有自己剩下来的那一点点钱。
- The poor woman was loaded down with family responsibilities. 可怜的女人承受着沉重的家庭负担。
- The poor woman must be got away from her children for a while. 必须让这个可怜的女人离开她的孩子一段时间,让她好好休息一下。
- As her husband became more and more violent every time he had too much to drink, the poor woman went in fear of her life. 由于她丈夫每次喝酒过多后便狂暴无比,这可怜的女人为自己的生命捏着一把汗。
- Death at last released the poor woman from her pain. 死神最终将那可怜的妇人从病痛中解脱出来。
- The unlicensed prostitutes were usually poor women. 旧社会的暗门子通常都是些可怜的女人。