- Surface Treatment of Spraying Molybdenum on Piston Ring and Cylinder Sleeve 活塞环气缸套的喷钼及钼合金表面处理
- Application of Nickel Base Compound and Disperse on Surface Treatment for Piston Ring and Cylinder Sleeve 镍基复合分散镀在活塞环缸套表面处理上的应用
- piston ring and cylinder 活塞环-缸套
- The results show that the friction coefficient((0.117?0)(0.133?2)) between the chromium-plated piston rings and cast iron cylinder liners increases with the increase of wear time,and the mechanism is adhesive wear. 实验结果表明:镀铬活塞环和灰铸铁缸套配副;摩擦系数在0.;117 0~0
- Piston rings require an oil film between ring and liner and between ring and piston groove to seal against these high pressures and to prevent blowby. 为了密封,在活塞环与连杆之间、活塞环与或活塞槽之间需要一层油膜以承受住这些高压、阻止漏气。
- The company mass-produced automobile, agricultural machinery, motorcycles, such as piston rings and the flywheel shell castings. 本公司大量生产汽车、农机、摩托车活塞环以及飞轮壳等铸件。
- The Influence of the Contact Sections Between a Piston Ring and a Cylinder Liner to the Temperature Distribution of the Ring 活塞环与气缸接触面对活塞环温度分布的影响
- Wider setting between licker-in and cylinder. 刺辊与锡林间的隔距太大。
- David produced a diamond ring and asked Dawn if they could name the day. 戴维拿出了一枚钻石戒指,问道恩他们是否已选定婚期。
- Research on Procession of Piston Ring and New NC Lathe 活塞环加工与新型数控车床方案研究
- Wider setting between Flat and cylinder. 盖板与锡林隔距宽。
- JiangSu Yizheng Wellong Piston Ring Co., Ltd. 江苏仪征威龙活塞环有限公司。
- Nanjing Feiyan Piston Ring Co., Ltd. 南京飞燕活塞环股份有限公司。
- Position the cylinder heads onto head gaskets and cylinder block. 将汽缸盖安置到汽缸盖罩垫和汽缸体上。
- Kaifeng Dongri Piston Ring Manufacture Co., Ltd. 开封市东日活塞环制造有限公司。
- A jewel fell off her ring and she could find neither hide nor hair of it. 一颗宝石从她的戒指上脱落了,她四下找,却杳无踪迹。
- Clean the exhaust manifold and cylinder head mating surfaces. 清洁排气歧管和汽缸头配合面。
- Spindle out - of - center with ring and lappet. 锭子偏心,与导纱钩板和钢领不在一条直线上。
- Variation in setting between back plate and cylinder. 后固定盖板和锡林隔距差异大。